As One with Jesus and Me and As Separate

 Janine, my child, come. I welcome you here to this Tabernacle where we commune. We commune with Jesus who speaks into your heart and soul for this is where He abides. No need to seek any other way for Jesus is the way and the truth and the light. 

I come to be your mother and to teach you the ways of my heart that always shows you the Light of my womb. I come to give you nurture with my love that you may know Jesus from the view of my  motherhood.

You had no learning of true motherhood. You now have nurturing of my heart that shows you love and only love. I receive my nurture from Jesus that I may fill you from my nurture for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am and given motherhood to all.

Your heart knows me. Your heart speaks to me as I speak to you from my heart. You hear Jesus for He speaks and abides within your soul.

You seek Jesus and there He is. You speak to Jesus and you hear Him. As the day ends, you grow in relationship with Him for you attend to the silence of your heart that now takes in the words of Jesus. 

Do not fear what we have, my child, for it shall never be taken away. As you grow more and more in relationship with Jesus, you shall not lose what we have for the two make one when in the Kingdom. 

Within the mystical you taste oneness. Within the mystical you hear me and you hear Jesus that makes separate and oneness possible. You are the more you and you are the more one with Jesus and me. Ponder this truth and listen with the ears of your heart where you hear Jesus and me as one and as separate.