Beware of One who Demands Loyalty

 Janine, my child, come and know me. Come and know Jesus. Let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where your choice has been made to be of my heart and the heart of Jesus. 

Today, you began the day hearing Jesus. He spoke to you of choice and how choice is of God. You are free to choose for God has designed you with choice.

You make choices in awareness of love and only love and not with the blindness of unawareness. Blindness follows other gods and not the God who handcrafted you. Choices made in blindness often give their power to others to make right and wrong decisions for them. 

When you walk with Jesus your choices are seen in the wisdom of the heart of Jesus and not the so called wisdom of others. There are those who espouse wisdom but follow other gods. The god of power over others asks for loyalty and not the seeking of God within your own soul. 

Beware of one who craves loyalty and power over others for loyalty to another takes away awareness of Jesus who carries us in the holding of, not power over, but rather, power within your soul where God abides. Jesus does not demand loyalty, but rather Jesus seeks only relationship where one is not above another. There is no war when you are open to your soul for war is of those who seek power and control over another.

Let us walk in the love of Jesus and seek as Jesus seeks and that is to be in relationship. Man was designed to be in relationship and not in power over another.