Do Not Seek Justice in Revenge

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you come to attend to this Tabernacle. I am pleased that you attend to your soul and your design for this is the grace of God. To be naked of heart and soul is to know me and Jesus and the grace of the River of the I Am that flows towards the New Earth.

Today is anew with grace and miracles and a justice that may seem to elude mankind. The justice of Jesus is mercy. The justice of Jesus is a love that eludes the many for the many have much self righteousness that seeks revenge. 

Today is anew with joy. Joy also eludes the many who seek revenge where joy cannot live. The joy that comes from your depths is of Jesus and is derived from the opened heart and soul that knows the truth of joy and peace.

The joy that fills you is from letting go of the need to seek justice in revenge. You pray to Jesus to take away your misguided sense of Justice. Your prayers are being heard, Janine. You pray knowing that this misguided sense of justice rises up with no calling. As you sense the rising, you pray to have it taken away. In God's timing it shall be done.