God Graces us With Choice

 Janine, my child, This day finds us in the love and only love that is within our souls for our souls are forever and they carry our God. You have chosen to be of my heart and I feed you with the nurture of my motherly heart. I love with a love that denies you never and attends to you always.

We witness to those placed before us and we keep open our souls that others may taste this love. Love such as this has no boundaries. Love such as this carries Jesus for when we gather in my love, there is Jesus.

Jesus speaks and you hear. Jesus carries you for you allow Him to.  Choice is always needed for Jesus and I do not invade. We invite in love and only love. 

There is a difference, my child, between inviting and invading for one rejoices in choice and the other takes away choice. We rejoice in allowing others to choose. 

I rejoice in your choices for they are made in love. Love seeks to invite. Love loves self and others knowing that God graces each with choices. 

We cannot judge the choices of others. That must be left to God who knows what is within the heart and soul of each child. Let God do what He shall with evil. We pray for God’s will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.