Love Flows in the Giving and Receiving

 Janine, my child, it is a new day and it is that time that we attend to what we have. I love you and I hear you and I know you in all parts and crevices for you are my child. Come, my little one and be held with a love that binds not. Come and be held with a love that fills with you the truth of Jesus for we commune with Jesus in all things. All things are graced because of your yes.

This day holds love and joy and the excitement of living . Today is of such grace that may seem of the ordinary for many. For us, my child, it is another day to love and be loved for all that is given and received is then given that others may receive.

It is of sadness that there are some who control and hold others in contempt for this is not the way of God's love. This is not the way of the River of the I Am that flows towards the New Earth where love is the only edict.

I taste what is in your heart as you taste what is in my heart. I find joy with you. I find the peace of Jesus that flows within you. I taste your love for me.

It matters not so much what is in this day as it matters much that we walk in it with Jesus together. Your choices are made in love and only love whether it be love for self or other. Love at this depth knows the joy of giving and receiving. Love at this depth flows in the giving and receiving for to fill is to be filled. The vessel you fill within yourself flows outwardly to fill others. Let those with ears to hear, hear