The Kingdom Within is Ever Expanding

 Janine, my child, It is a new day with a new depth. Each day we descend deeper into the River of the I Am where our communion becomes all the more and more of your design. 

You are designed to expand into Eternity. You are designed to be of the peace and joy of Jesus where He carries any and all burdens for you. The fruit of allowing Jesus to carry you is joy and peace that emanates from your soul.

Peace is with you and peace is tasted within you for Jesus is in relationship with you. Your yes and your attendance to your soul makes it so.

The soul knows, Janine, for the soul knows its Creator. This knowing is a gift when you seek what is within. The Kingdom is within. We walk to attest to the Kingdom that is within. The knowing I speak of is of the soul and the Kingdom within.

The Kingdom within grows you in the knowing that you are of Eternity. The Kingdom within may appear to be small but it is ever expanding with God's love.