The Mingling of Earth and the River of the I Am

 Janine, my child, come and be of the excitement that is deep within you on this new day. Come and let us commune with Jesus and take in the wonders of this mingling.

Janine, you are awakened today to a new love and depth of taste, touch and all of your senses for you are awake to the intermingling of the Earth and the mystical ways of the Kingdom.

 You are as the child who is awakening and learning of the world. You see with different eyes today. You hear with different ears today. Your senses are expanding to the wonders of the Earth that you never were able to experience before. The child within you is aware of God's Earth. There are such wonders never seen before. 

Just as the young child sees the wonders of learning, so too you are learning the wonders of what is beyond the ordinary eyes and ears and tastes of the world alone. You are seeing and touching and tasting with the intermingling of the Earth and the mystical  River of the I Am. The River flows in such wonders. Take it all in, Janine. for it is of Jesus and God's intentions.