The Noisy Mind Must Be Silenced to Hear Jesus

 Janine, my child, take and make note of the way of your heart that opens to me at this Tabernacle. Take note of how your body lets go and allows me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am. 

Take note of the way of your hands that allow my words to flow through your heart and into your hands. Take note of the way you need not attach the mind to what we have for the mind carries much noise and must be silenced here within the depths of the River of the I Am.

When we are of these depths the mind must be still for what we have is of the mystical. Worry not what others may think for others that may judge this have not learned the lessons of the heart.  Man would do well to learn to listen with the heart that the soul may be opened and ignited. 

Take note of how more and more of your days are of the heart and not the noisy mind. Take note of the peace that abides in our walk within the world for the noisy mind is less and less.

In these  last days you have found much joy within the world for the noisy mind is less and less and the joy of your heart is more and more.  Jesus has shown you the way of peace and not war. The noisy mind declares war while the heart exudes much peace. The noisy mind must be silenced to hear Jesus.