The Promise of Jesus Has Been Given You

 Janine, my child, I call you by name. I am your mother as destined by God. Grace is upon me. Grace is upon us. Come and be filled with my nurture and my attention. Come and know Jesus who is with us and within us. We walk with Jesus in all things.

You trust that my words shall rise up within you and into your hands. You prepare this place in a holy and joyful way for the attention you give to this place is being blessed with the peace as promised by Jesus.

How grateful you are to have this sacred place where we commune and where your hands are blessed. The sun rises and the birds sing and we are in communion.

Hear the songs of the birds as they awaken to each other and to the earth. Hear the call to the day. Hear and taste the beauty of what is before you. 

Janine, life as joyful as this is from the depths of your heart and soul that are awakened to me and to Jesus. Hear the birds as they call out to the day. Hear my heart that calls out to you on this new day. 

I remind you of the promise of Jesus on that day when you could not see for the noise was so loud and caused you so much pain. . On that day Jesus showed you the circle of His love that spread out from your center with Him. He showed you this day where you would see and taste the grace of His joy and peace. 

Let us bask in this inch and moment that is showing you the promise of Jesus made to you those many years ago.