We Have Never Been Apart

 Janine, my child, love is within your heart. Love is why you attend to this Tabernacle. Love is why you pray with Jesus as He shows you how to pray. To be in relationship with Jesus is to know how to pray and how to love sans any judgements or controls. 

Come on this beautiful new day where we commune with Jesus in love and only love. We commune for you have made time to be of my heart and to be of the soft voice of Jesus. We pray for all those before  us. We pray for all that know us not for I and Jesus only wish to have all of God's children know Him and His love while in the body.

All shall know God in the next world, Janine, for they shall meet Jesus. All shall have the opportunity to say yes as you have. 

You have tasted the pain of being lost in the wilderness. You have walked in the wilderness of pain and sorrow and terror. You always knew that Jesus and I were with you for even as a small child, you knew that there was something deeper than just what is on the surface of the River.

In those times when you were forced into the isolation of that dudgeon, you went deeper into yourself and knew that I was there even when you knew not my name. I take you back to that time in the dungeon that you may remember me and the beauty of what we have always had. Even in that torture and pain you knew that the mystical of the River of the I Am exists. I and Jesus abide in that mystical of the River of the I Am. I show you how we were never apart. We have never been apart, my dearest, Janine, and we shall never be apart.