Words Alone Do Not Fulfill Scripture

 Janine, I give you my blessings on this new day. It is a day of joy and love and the peace of my Son. You come to me to be filled that you may then enter the world filled. To be filled is to give what you receive in love and only love.

The fruits of this Tabernacle are of Jesus who graces us with His peace and joy. The fruits of this Tabernacle are the expanding depths within your very soul. To be of this Tabernacle is to know Jesus who expands all of your senses.

Eternity is the ever expanding joy and peace of Jesus. I hold you in the embrace of communion with Jesus for we are gathered in His name. Come, my child, and let us join the song of songs and give praise to Jesus who has claimed us as His. 

Love flows within us. Love flows through us and into the world. Love is a word that has much more meaning here within the River of the I Am than in the outside world. Love here is tasted.

Love may be tasted in the outside world when it opens the soul. Man would do well to open their senses that taste may be entered into with Jesus. Words alone do not fulfill Scripture. Let those with ears to hear, hear.