You are of Sand

 Janine, my child, your faith makes you whole. Your faith allows us to be mother and child for your faith has opened your soul.

Do not doubt, Janine, that Jesus shows you the way in each inch and moment that builds upon itself. To be awakened to the inch and moment allows you to trust that Jesus carries your burdens. You know that what rises in your heart is a way of letting Jesus show you the way. Jesus gave rise to the need for you to take view of sand. 

The sand in your view was the sands of time that had no immediate understanding within you. Jesus then showed you the workings of the sands of time.  You feared that the sand was showing you that there can be no foundation built upon such sand and you feared you were not of a strong foundation.  To the contrary. Jesus showed you that when mixed with cement the sand forms a solid foundation.

Janine, my child, the sands of time are growing your foundation. Jesus is the cement that makes solid your foundation. There are those who do not seek to make a solid foundation and theirs is the sand that just makes time and no solid foundation. You are of sand and what you do with it is of your choice. Let those with ears to hear, hear.