All Shall See the Promises of God

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you come to me even when the noise asks you to attend to anything but this Tabernacle for the noise wishes to cast doubt about the truth of the River of the I Am and Eternity. 

I attend to you in all things but in this time and space we are of the deep awareness and silence of your heart that hears me and communes with me. The noise cannot live here. The noise waits at the door but cannot enter.

The peace of Jesus is tasted deeply here for the noise cannot stop Jesus and His peace here. The noise shall be soon enough, my child, but for now let me fill you and prepare you for the day. Jesus speaks to you and shows you the truth where the noise cannot tempt you with its empty promises of making you above God.

Each day the noise clangs at you and each day I and Jesus counter the noise by filling you and preparing you with the truth. By your yes and your attendance to this Tabernacle and to your soul, you are prepared to fend off the temptations of the noise that blusters with its own want to be above God. 

The noise shall one day die, my child, for it cannot enter the gates of the Kingdom. In that time the New Earth shall be established and all shall  see the promises of God.