Egoism is Counter to Humbleness

 Janine, my little one, come and know I call you out by name and call you of the order of Bernadette. Those many years ago,  I named you with the name of Bernadette for you carry my love into the world. There is much grace to the work we do.

There is much grace to the yes to me and to the want to walk with me and with Jesus in all things. You are of the humbleness of my heart and give all credit to Jesus for we walk with Jesus and give all credit to Him. 

Humbleness of your heart comes from my humbleness where you give no credit other than to give credit to me and to Jesus. Humbleness knows that you are of much grace and we walk in grace to witness to the souls of others that the Holy Spirit of Jesus may do its work. 

In humbleness we walk in the joy of knowing it is Jesus who carries us. To let go of yourself and give to me and to Jesus your heart and soul is to walk in humbleness. Grace flows through all of your being for you are of humbleness and not of egoism. Egoism is counter to humbleness. Egoism is counter to Jesus for egoism is only interested in itself.