Fear of Death Need Not Be

 Janine, I hear your call to me as you place yourself before this Tabernacle. Come, my child, and know how much you are loved. I take you into my heart and we commune with Jesus who is the Light to all of the world. Without Jesus, The Covenant could not be filled for Jesus paid the price for our Eternity.

Mankind has been given life that death may not destroy the journey into Eternity. The foolish see only the death of the human body and not the rising of the Eternal spirit. Jesus is within and you have come to learn that Eternity awaits you. 

The foolish live without facing the journey into Eternity. The foolish only see what they can take from this world and do not seek that which is beyond them. 

I say to you, my child, that each shall face the same journey into Eternity. What is not faced here within the world shall be faced in the next. The sadness lies in those who are foolish and live not the joy of each day knowing that fear of death need not be.