God Builds and Never Destroys

 Janine, my child, another day is before us and another day to love and only love. I fill you as we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. Take in the joy that is of our communion. I take you in and you take me in for this is the way of communion.

The road we walk is never one sided for we are mother and child where you have your mother and I have my child. What we have shall never die for it is of the promises of God that each child shall have Eternity with God.

There is only one word for Eternity which means forever. Fret not, my child, for we shall always be mother and child. It can never be taken away. Your hands dance with my words and with the awareness that I am here each day in this special way. You come to me and attend to your soul. To be naked of heart and soul with me is to know how much you are loved.

It has been these many years now and you still come to me each day in the nakedness of your soul that Jesus may enter this communion and show us the walk of His love each day.

Your yesterday has built the ground for today. There are the many who do not build. Rather, there are those who make attempts to destroy what God has graced His children with.

Jesus builds and never destroys. God builds and never destroys. It is man who destroys. Let those with ears to hear, hear.