To Die that the New May Be Born

 Janine, my child, you come to me in prayer and you come to me to be held in my heart and know true love that controls never and holds always.

Today, we walk into the world where you hold in love and only love in my name and we walk in the name of Jesus who shows us the way of love and only.

I do not judge. I hold in the love that holds no grievances. I hold in the love that flows and surrounds with the joy and peace and faith that is of Jesus. 

You know Jesus now, Janine. You hear Jesus now. You taste the joy and love and peace and that is of the Covenant. It is Jesus and His lifeblood that makes your journey one of such peace.

Your walk that began those years ago has graced us with what we have. No need to seek miracles elsewhere for they are here within each inch and moment of our day.

You have made this holy place and space for us. Jesus has graced and blessed this holy space for us. Jesus is responsible for your joy for He carries all of your burdens and crushes them into the ground of the River of the I Am where it becomes the fodder for the garden of the New Earth. What was once thought to be dead has been made alive and holy and cleansed. You have died to the old that the new may be born.