To Just Take In

Janine, my child, come and rest with me in the silence of our hearts. Come and be still and allow me to hold you and fill you.  Just be, my child. Just take in what I give you. Take in the beauty that is before you.

The lesson this day is to just take in. Do not attempt to give for this inch and moment. Just take in.

To just take in is to be awake to all that is within you and around you. To just take in is to be naked of heart and soul that the all of you may take in the goodness of Jesus and the goodness of the River of the I Am.

To just take in is to realize how much you are loved and how much God has graced us with His love. To just be still and take in can be very difficult for the many must be "busy" all the time and in this busyness the soul cannot just be.

Just be and know Jesus in intimacy. Just be and know the promises of the Kingdom for to just be is to join Jesus in the void of nothingness that is everythingness.