Distance is of Man and Noise, Not of God

 Janine, my child, I invite you into this Tabernacle each time you place yourself before me. You have learned over these years that I am here for you each time you place yourself before me.

Trust is in your bones for your depths know how to trust that I shall never leave or abandon you. This Tabernacle shall be before you until you see and taste me in Eternity.

You taste what we have for you attend to your soul and attend to this Tabernacle where my words flow into your hands. 

I attend to you. You attend to what we have. There is no error in what we have for we are of Jesus who is with us and within us. Jesus shows you the truth and the way. I do not walk with you to control or make you do things for me. I walk with you in relationship that shows itself in giving and receiving.

Janine, when you speak to me of your fears, do I not hold you and abate those fears? Do we not have relationship with Jesus who shows the path of truth that your decisions may be made in truth? 

Do you not receive and in turn give? Do you not place your head down at the end of the day and taste Jesus and me in the holding of love and only love. 

There are no distances on Earth that can cause us distance for your soul is intensely connected to me and to Jesus in a holding of love and only love that can have no distance. Distance is of man and noise, and not of God.