Love and Only Love Builds and Never Destroys

 Janine, my child, I am here as always. I await your turning to me at this Tabernacle that we may descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune. 

Your soul hears me and tastes me and knows that I fill you that you may be prepared for the day. Your soul knows its need to be loved with no boundaries or judgments for the soul flourishes in love and only love.

To be loved in the ways of love and only love builds rather than tears down. To be loved  in the ways of love and only love grows your foundation for this kind of love builds solid ground that knows God, the builder. 

Take in the grace of love and only love that judges you never and walks to build you always. Love such as this builds you that you may build others. Self righteous judgments of others and self destroys where love and only love builds. Let those with ears to hear, hear.