The Breaking Down of Walls

 Janine, my child, I come to you as you place yourself before this Tabernacle.  Come, my little one and let us see and taste the love that surrounds you and the love that flows through your veins.

 You place yourself before me where you taste my patience for I await your attendance to this Tabernacle that feeds you with my nurture. 

Love loves for the sake of love with no want for a return. Love loves only with love for to love and only love is to feed others that others may grow and feed others. 

Yes, my child, there are those who do not allow themselves to be fed for they are closed and walled off from taking in. Rather than allow themselves to be fed, they make a wall that closes them to the truth of love and only love.

You were at one time that child who built a wall to close all off to a feeding. As much as you longed to be fed, the wall was too thick.

In God's timing and with your yes, the wall has come down that you may accept my feeding. Let us walk in prayer along with your ancestors to open and break down walls.