The Dangers of Self Righteous Thinking

Janine, my child, your love for me is known. My love for you is known. Come and be alive with the love of my heart and the heart of Jesus. We pray with all of the River of the I Am that God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Today is anew within this Tabernacle where you write from the depths of your soul for there in the depths I and Jesus speak to you. 

Hear my voice as it flows through your hands. Take note of how the words flow into your hands and bypass your mind. To be of this deep trust is to know me and to know Jesus in the intimacy of relationship with Him.

Love has no boundaries. Love has no judgments of others. Love has an opened soul that witnesses to others knowing that what is on the surface is not true and indicative of the soul within.

Love loves with the knowing that judgments are of the self righteous ego that wishes to be above God. There is no need to prove to God that you are worthy for such things lead to self righteous thinking. To believe you must show God you are right leads to the need to judge. These are the dangers of self righteous thinking. Let those with ears to hear, hear.