The Kingdom to Come

 Janine, my dearest child, I am pleased with you for each day you come to me and attend to your soul. Each day you come that we may commune in the ways of mottler and child. Come and be of the peace and rest within the depths of the River of the I Am.

We rest here that you may be prepared for the day ahead. You are filled that you may be prepared for the day ahead.

The noise shall be the noise today, my child, I prepare you to fend off its promises that are not of God, but rather, are of its own wants to be above God.

The noise carries itself that the world may deny God. The noise is filled with the egos of the many that want to be above God and own others for their own private wants.

There are those who give up the joy and peace as promised by Jesus for they have purchased the temptations of the noise. It is of sadness that there are many who seek only what is within the world and not within the Kingdom to come. 

We walk to counter the noise and show others the way of the depths within their souls that carry Jesus and the way to the Kingdom to come.