We Walk to Honor the Souls of Others

 Janine, my child, I hear you and I taste your love for me. You come to me at this Tabernacle on this new day and you trust that I will prepare you for the day before us.

Come, my child, and let us commune with Jesus who fills us with His love and only love. There is no war or judgment here, only love that fills and builds and never destroys.

Today is to be another day to be of the sacred witness where we attend to the souls of those placed before us. We honor the soul. We join the soul of another with the ways of Jesus. The soul, as you are learning, knows what it needs and we need only witness that the soul may be exposed.

The soul hides from war for it knows war and hate and judgments are of the noise and not of God. To expose the soul of another and allow it to show us how beautiful it is, is to know God within another. 

How joyful is our walk. The noise attempts to gather and control the soul but the noise can only make noise and not control or destroy the soul. Let those with ears to hear, hear.