We Do Not Feed the Ego, We Feed the Soul

 Janine, my child, I warm you and welcome you to this Tabernacle where my motherly ways of Jesus fill you and hold you. I nurture you. Come, my little one, and know how much you are loved. I prepare you for the day. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where you take in the peace of Jesus.

Today is anew with my love and the love of Jesus. As you are prepared for this new day, take in what is before you. When you are readied, we shall move into the world to witness to those placed before us.

To be of the sacred witness is to love without boundaries knowing that we witness without any attempt to control or use self righteous talk that seeks to control.

To witness is to know that self righteousness is of the ego and not of the soul. The opened soul of the sacred witness seeks to connect to another's soul on the levels of listening and holding of what is expressed by another's soul without use of ego.

When another uses the egoistic parts, you are aware of the soul that hears and seeks connection. We do not feed the ego, but rather, we feed the soul of another with the quietness of listening with your soul and not your ego. The dangers of ego are apparent to you for you walk with me in the ways of the sacred witness. 

Joy and excitement fill you on this new day. We walk together in the ways of the sacred witness. Come and be still and be filled that your soul may know me within this depth and when you are prepared we shall move into the world to witness.