The Power of Those of the Yes
Janine, my child, I understand you and your heart for I am your mother who knows you in all parts. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am by God's grace. By God's hand, you are graced to be my child. Today is anew with the love and only love of the River of the I Am.
The River of the I Am flows towards the New Earth. The River of the I Am flows with all of the yes. The River of the I Am is of God's will for it contains love and only love.
God's will is done within the River of the I Am. God's will for us is to be in communion with Jesus. Jesus is the Lifeblood of the River. By the hand of God we have Jesus who walks with us in all we do.
Jesus is the Light of our Salvation. Come, my child, let go and be still that we may commune with Jesus in relationship that gives and receives.
Your heart is the doorway to your soul. Your soul is opened now and knows the truth that God's will is being accomplished on Earth as it is in Heaven. The power of those of the yes grows the power of the River of the I Am that shall one day usher in the New Earth.