We Walk to Serve

 Janine, my child, joy fills me for I find great joy in opening this Tabernacle that we may be mother and child in communion with Jesus. The awareness of what we have fills you on this new day. 

You have learned much in these last days for you have given witness to those who also walk to serve. You became of the sacred witness to give witness without any judgments. It became clear that those who serve with joy gave you a picture into their soul for joy keeps the soul open.

You gave witness to those who may on the outside serve others, but who on the inside could not be of joy, but rather, were of angst and could not find the joy.

Whether one was serving in joy or angst, you walked with me and Jesus and touched all for your soul is opened. What your soul does matters greatly to all for your countenance invites and does not close off.

We walk to serve all for we know that the soul is the part that holds the seed of God. We cannot know the story of the one who cannot feel joy. We serve anyway.