Be of Patience with Your Dreams

 Janine, my child, I am your mother. I open this Tabernacle that you may know me. Come, my little one, and allow me to hold you and take you into the depths of your own being where the River of the I Am flows. The River flows within you and through you for your soul is opened.

Your soul knows me and knows Jesus and knows God for God has His seed within your soul.  You are graced to be of the opened soul for to be opened is to know the peace of Jesus. 

Do not fret your dreams for they are of the gift of God where your deeper parts are letting go of the isolations of your childhood. You were lost and now you are found.

Your dreams are of the lost child who must come to see that you are no longer lost. Your deeper parts are letting go of the pain of the lost childhood. Be of patience with your dreams for they are a gift from God.