Choices Show You How Much You Are Loved
Janine, my child, fear not any reprisals from me or Jesus. Fear of reprisal is of the noise and not of Jesus or me or the River of the I Am.
The noise uses words of attempting to break down and making worry by calling out what it knows causes you fear. The noise casts itself into the world causing fear of making mistakes. You make no mistakes. You make choices.
You do no wrong as the noise would have you believe. You have choices. The noise asks you to limit choices in the name of a misguided idea of right and wrong. The noise does not know right and wrong, but rather, makes noise to have you believe you are wrong.
Janine, my child, God gives you choices that you may see how much you are loved. You love others as you love yourself where your choices choose between the two. This is the way of your design. Choose today knowing your choices are made in love and only love.