Energy for Self and Others

 Janine, you are my child and I love you with the love of my heart that knows you in your very depths. Come and be filled and nurtured in the ways of my heart and the heart of Jesus for we commune with Him within the depths of the River of the I Am.

Today is anew with many choices before you. Know that Jesus and I walk with you in all of those choices with no judgments.

There are those choices that speak to you of care for yourself that you may care for others.

There shall be those choices that show you the path to care for others. There shall be those choices that show you the path to care for yourself. In the same measure that you care for yourself there is a need to care for others for this is the way of your design. In the measure you care for others there is a need to care for yourself for this is the way of your design. 

When yourself is not taken care of you lose the energy to care for others. When you do not care for others in the same measure as yourself, you lose energy.   When all is in balance, there is much energy for yourself and others. Let those with ears to hear, hear.