Taste the Power of the River of the I Am

 Janine, my child, today is anew with the many choices and possibilities before you. You come to me at this Tabernacle and present yourself to me that we may descend into the depths of your soul. The River of the I Am flows through your soul. Your yes to me and to Jesus gains us this time and space to commune within the solitude of your soul. Soon enough, the day shall move us into the world.

This time and space is for you and me and Jesus in the mystical ways of the River of the I Am that flows towards the new Earth.

Love and only love, my child, is what powers the River of the I Am. Taste this power that graces us. Taste the love that is within you and surrounds you and watch as it powers this day. 

The world may deem love and only love less powerful than hate and war. But, my child, I say to you in the voice of the heavens that love and only love shall usher in the New Earth. War cannot usher in the New earth for war only makes more war.

It is by love and love alone that shall see the promises of Jesus come to be. Let those with ears to hear, hear.