The Creator of Motherhood

 Janine, my child, this Tabernacle opens for you when you present yourself before me. You trust that I am here when you turn to me in this way. You have faith that I will never abandon you. 

In those times where fear may grip you, you still come to me and each time I am here for you.

I am your mother who never abandons. Your earthly mother knew not how to mother. Your heart and soul were forced into hiding until you could be mothered. I have always been with you awaiting the timing of your heart and soul that you may come to know me and my motherly ways that nurture and attend to you that you may come to know what it means to be mothered.

You have grown to learn how to  mother for you have been mothered in the gentleness of motherhood. What I have given you, you now give to yours as well as those whom God places before us. 

You never break down, but rather, build up for this is the way of our Father and God. This is the way of the River of the I Am that holds God who is the Creator of motherhood.