The White of Jesus that Surrounds You

 Janine, my child, as you place yourself before me, know that we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. We commune with Jesus for we gather in His name. You call on me to be in the ways of my heart and the heart of Jesus for we gather in His name.

Take in the breath that lets go of the noise. Take in the breath that leads you to me. You place yourself before this Tabernacle knowing I will open it for you. You trust in me and you trust in Jesus.

Let us hold each other in the embrace with Jesus. To be of this death is to know trust for you know me and you  know Jesus in the relationship of these depths.

Each day you grow. Each day you have joy. Your dreams are letting you know that there is a need to stop searching for safety within the world and keep your eyes and ears in the solitude of your heart where you can trust that you are being carried and are safe because of Jesus.

Your dreams have been taking place in a white arena which is of Jesus. Ponder the white that surrounds you even in the outside world for white shows you the purity of where you are and who you walk with.