To Taste the Void is to Know Jesus

 Janine, my child, it is a new day where we meet at this Tabernacle. This time and space is of you and me and Jesus. In the solitude of this Tabernacle we meet that we may descend into the River of the I Am and commune in the void with Jesus.

The void appears to be in darkness when viewed from the surface. But within the void, at this depth, you witness to the great light.

The light that shines within the void is Jesus who is the lifeblood of the River of the I Am. Peace reigns here within the void. Joy reigns here within the void. Faith and trust fill you when you enter the void for to taste the void is to know the truth of your soul.

Your soul is attached to Jesus and to the Kingdom. This truth can never be taken from you. To tatse the void is to be in relationship with Jesus where you hear and speak soul to soul with Jesus. Let those with ears to hear, hear.