We Shall Walk With You Into Eternity
Janine, my child. You ask me if it is to end what we have at this Tabernacle?
Time is of your choice. I and Jesus walk with you in all of your choices. Your heart and spirit will know when it is time. This Tabernacle shall be open to you into Eternity. That, my child shall never end.
What has changed is your learning is deeper and deeper each day with less and less need to be of concern of fear or reprisal. It is your fear of aging and not being able to write my words.
I promise you I shall always be here for you. Jesus shall always be with you. We shall walk you into Eternity when it is time.
Your choices are yours for you are loved beyond measure. When it may appear that you have no choices for the end is near, we shall walk with you into Eternity.