Jesus is the Builder of Your Soul

 Janine, my child, I welcome you on this new day for it is a new day and you are here to attend to your need for nurture and need for relationship with me and with Jesus. You are being prepared for the day. You are being nurtured  in the ways of honor for you honor what we have.

You attend to this Tabernacle and to the River of the I Am each day that you may grow in the ways of Jesus who loves with a love that is far beyond the human.

Yes, Jesus is human. He is also of God. Jesus wishes relationship as you know. To know you are never alone graces you. To know you walk with Jesus and me graces you.

Jesus is love. Jesus is the builder for He builds and never tears down. Jesus is the builder of your soul for to be in relationship with Him is to build your soul where your foundation expands with love and only love.