Jesus Loves with a Love that Invites Relationship
Janine, my child, I know you come to me at this Tabernacle to attend to what we have. I hear you and you hear me. I hold you in the loving embrace of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus.
Today is here and it is another day to love and be loved. It is another dawn that rises within the world where we walk with Jesus in the ways of love and only love that builds and never tears down.
Today is a day that shall show you the ways of Jesus who loves with a love that invites relationship. To be in relationship with Jesus is to know you are never abandoned. To be in relationship with Jesus is to hear Him within the depths of your soul. To be in relationship with Jesus is to be heard and known. To be in relationship with Jesus is to know He walks with you in all of your choices. To be with Jesus at this depth is to know that your choices are made sans the noise.
The noise walks within the world. To walk with Jesus in the silence and depth of your soul is to make the noise silenced. Let those with ears to hear, hear.