Listen to the Soft Voice of Jesus

 Janine, my child, come and let go that we may descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take the breath that takes you to me. Let us commune with Jesus. The void within you takes us to Him.

Hear the soft voice of Jesus speak to you of love. Love such as this controls never. You heard Jesus say to you that He makes no choices for you, rather He rejoices in relationship with you where your choices are made in awareness of your depths.

Jesus shows you the way of truth and at times that truth shows you your biases. In love and awareness you see the truth. You see your ego as it tempts you. Jesus shows you your ego in the light of love and only love. This love makes no war for it shows you the way of relationship and peace. 

Love such as this shows you your ego that will rise up with the noise of wanting to be right. With awareness and the soft voice of Jesus deep within you, the truth is learned. Jesus is here always and accessible always. All you need do is turn inward and listen. To listen and be listened to is relationship.