Mother is Always Mother
Janine, my child, it is always welcomed when you place yourself before this Tabernacle. I welcome you here for I am your mother who awaits your turning to me. I love you and I am always with you whether or not you are aware of me. I await you for I am your mother who remains always available.
You make sure to be there for yours as I make sure to be there for mine. Mother learns to let go of her child as her child learns to let go yet never far from each other. Even when there is distance there is nearness for mother is always mother.
You have grown in your ability to mother for you have learned to let go of all the pain that has held you back. You no longer are encumbered by the hurt and wounds of the past placed upon you by those responsible for your care. As you heal, yours heal too, both on Earth and in Heaven for growing never ends. Your soul expands into Eternity. This is the way of God's love for what you give comes back to you and yours.