The Circle of Love Makes You Whole
Janine, my child, you attend to this Tabernacle for you know how much this time and space is graced and grows you in the ways of my heart and the heart of Jesus.
Let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in gratitude with Jesus.
Breathe in the breath that takes you into the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Breathe out into the world the love that lives within you.
In these depths you are both of the mystical and the world. The depths here show you much nurture and love and peace. Take in the peace that walks with you for you have the peace of Jesus that is in all of your parts and makes you whole.
To be in relationship with Jesus makes you whole for you receive Jesus in relationship that gives and receives His peace.
Peace is not fleeting when you trust Jesus. Peace is held deep within when you walk with Jesus and me for we make the circle of love and only love that shall carry you into the world. This is wholeness, my child.