The Miracles Seen Within Relationship with Jesus
Janine, my child, let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Let us commune with Jesus who speaks to you of the ways of miracles.
Miracles cannot have meaning without relationship for what matter would miracles be if there were no one to make them for? The miracle of water to wine was made in relationship that God's mercy may be known.
Jesus walks with you to give and receive for this is the way of relationship. The miracles of the inch and moment are made in relationship with you for you are awake to them within the relationship. You hear Jesus and He hears you. There is no mistaking His soft voice that shows you the miracles of giving and receiving. What good would all the miracles in the world be if there were no one to taste Jesus in them?
When you were of the child, you could not see relationship and your understanding of Jesus was childlike. Now you have grown into the awareness that relationship with Jesus is of intimacy that sees and tastes giving and receiving.