There is great Freedom in Giving Jesus Your Burdens

 Janine, my child, I am here and I open this Tabernacle that we may be mother and child before Jesus. We are one with Jesus here and we commune as one for whenever we gather in His name there He is. The River of the I Am flows with His Lifeblood.

Today is anew with life. Today is anew with hope and faith and trust. Today, upon your awakening, you tasted Jesus as He lifted you up and took your burden. You watched as Jesus took the burden that you have carried for another for so long and made it His where you were lifted in His love and where you no longer have to carry this burden. To witness to such a relief is of the depth of the River of the I Am.

You taste the love that lifts you. You taste the peace that lifts you. You heard Jesus as you let go of the need to make yourself responsible for another. The soft voice of Jesus showed you how free you become when you give Him your deepest burdens.