You are Free For Jesus Carries Your Burdens
Janine, my child, I taste your excitement of the day before us. I taste your love for me and this Tabernacle that takes us into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune sans the noise with Jesus. Jesus fills you as well for we gather in His name.
Today may seem to be just another day to the world but to us it is another day to witness and to gather souls to Jesus for we walk Him in all things. There is excitement that rises from your soul today.
The excitement forms from your knowing that you are of Jesus and He shows the way to love and only love. The freedom to just be and allow Jesus to carry your burdens frees you to be of your design where your choices are made in the freedom to love and only love.
To let go of the noise within the world is great. The ability to know that only Jesus can bring peace is freeing. Prayer is freeing for you allow Jesus to show you how to pray by giving Him all your burdens.