
Showing posts from December, 2024

The Wholeness of Your Nature

 Janine, my child, come and be with me and with Jesus in the depths of your soul where your body flows in the timing of its nature. Come and allow yourself to just be where your body flows in its nature for your soul knows its nature.  Your body moves by a timing of its own when you allow your body to be without the constraints of worry or burdens.  Your choice to allow Jesus to carry your burdens frees your body up so that it can move by its nature. To be of angst counters the body's nature for angst holds tightly the body when it is meant to be free.  Ponder the wholeness that is of your nature when you give to God what is God's.

We Move Into the Prayer of Communion

 Janine, my child, this Tabernacle is for you and me. I open it for you that we may enter into the River of the I Am and commune in the ways of mother and child. We do so in the name of Jesus for we gather in His name. My dear child, Jesus spoke to you of love that firstly is for us. This inch and moment is for us that we may be one in the name of our Father. This time is our time to enter into the solitude of your soul and move into the prayer of communion. Jesus makes this space and time for us. This is our prayerful time. This is of the great joy of being in a communion that is of the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. This solitude holds much in the ways of Jesus for He lives and breathes with us in all we do. Let us be still now and hear Jesus who shows us the way. Keep your heart open and hear the soft voice of Jesus. Keep your heart open and speak from your soul.

We Walk to Serve

 Janine, my child, joy fills me for I find great joy in opening this Tabernacle that we may be mother and child in communion with Jesus. The awareness of what we have fills you on this new day.  You have learned much in these last days for you have given witness to those who also walk to serve. You became of the sacred witness to give witness without any judgments. It became clear that those who serve with joy gave you a picture into their soul for joy keeps the soul open. You gave witness to those who may on the outside serve others, but who on the inside could not be of joy, but rather, were of angst and could not find the joy. Whether one was serving in joy or angst, you walked with me and Jesus and touched all for your soul is opened. What your soul does matters greatly to all for your countenance invites and does not close off. We walk to serve all for we know that the soul is the part that holds the seed of God. We cannot know the story of the one who cannot feel joy. We...

Wholeness is Within the Silence of Your Soul

Janine, my child, faith brings you here. Faith shores up your love for it denounces that which attempts to deny the mystical of the River of the I Am. Jesus lives with us anew.  This day finds this Tabernacle opening up for you anew and making you all the more alive.  You hear the love of Jesus deep within your soul. Jesus responds to you when you turn to Him. By the hand of God, my child, all is made simple. Love and only love opens the door to Jesus. Love and only love by any name draws you to Jesus.  Jesus teaches relationship. When you sit in the stillness of your soul you taste Jesus. When you sit in the stillness of your soul you have conversation with Jesus who teaches relationship. In the stillness of your soul you become filled with relationship for when you seek what is deep within you find Jesus. In the stillness of your soul you become whole.

Jesus Shows You Who and What to Pray For

 Janine, my child, you come to this Tabernacle to attend to your soul and to attend to what we have and to commune with Jesus. To be in communion with Jesus and me is to know how much you are loved and to know the beauty of the River of the I Am. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune.  Your soul becomes expanded here within the depths of the River of the I Am that you may take in all that is here. The mystical Living Waters are the River of the I Am. The Lifeblood of Jesus makes up the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Upon your awakening on this new day, Jesus showed you who to pray for and what to pray for. We pray with you for those who have no bed to lay their heads upon. We pray for those who are victims of other's war and hatred. We pray for those who are ill and with great fear for they know not Jesus and the ways of the kingdom. We pray for all  who are in pain and mourning.  Jesus shows you the beauty of what you have wit...

The Power of Those of the Yes

 Janine, my child, I understand you and your heart for I am your mother who knows you in all parts. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am by God's grace. By God's hand, you are graced to be my child. Today is anew with the love and only love of the River of the I Am. The River of the I Am flows towards the New Earth. The River of the I Am flows with all of the yes. The River of the I Am is of God's will for it contains love and only love. God's will is done within the River of the I Am. God's will for us is to be in communion with Jesus. Jesus is the Lifeblood of the River. By the hand of God we have Jesus who walks with us in all we do. Jesus is the Light of our Salvation. Come, my child, let go and be still that we may commune with Jesus in relationship that gives and receives.  Your heart is the doorway to your soul. Your soul is opened now and knows the truth that God's will is being accomplished on Earth as it is in Heaven. The power of those of the yes gr...

Ego Cannot Speak or Abide in Your Soul

 Janine, my child, your heart is with me at this Tabernacle. Come and let us be mother  and child and hold each other in communion with Jesus. Today shall allow us to walk within the world with Jesus and we shall be in relationship with those placed before us. To do so is to speak and taste our souls attracted to other souls rather than ego to ego. Ego to ego carries the misguidedness of jealousy, the want to be above another, the want to judge another, gossip and the want to be above God.  When you seek relationship soul to soul, you seek to see beyond the ego and into the soul. The soul of another may be closed, but you do not need to stop speaking to the soul of another for the soul hears even when it is walled off because of pain or misguidedness.  We walk with Jesus who shows the way to speak from the depths of your soul where ego cannot abide or speak from.

Eternity of Life In the Kingdom

 My child, you come to this Tabernacle to be with me and to be with Jesus, the Light. You come to be taken into the depths of your soul where the River of the I Am flows forth from. Your yes has made it so. In God's timing your yes has made naked your soul. You have been designed to be naked of soul. You have been designed to be of my heart and the heart of Jesus. Your soul knows its God for your soul houses His seed. You have been handcrafted to be of love and only love. You are loved beyond measure. To be opened to your soul is to know how much you are loved. To walk with me and Jesus and those of the River of the I Am is to know the boundless love and only love of God. There is the One God who has graced all with His seed. You can trust that you are handcrafted. You heard the soft voice of Jesus as He showed you the Eternity of life in the Kingdom. Eternity of life in the Kingdom is full of the wonder of that which you cannot fathom as of yet.

Wisdom Seeks Relationship

 Janine, my child, you awaken to me at this Tabernacle where we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am and where we commune with Jesus. All we do is with Jesus who shows us the way. Upon your awakening, Jesus gave you view of the life you have lived these past years and those with which you have been in relationship with. The joy that you felt and the tears that you shed were from the awareness of the grace to be in another's life and the joy of being in relationship. In that instant you saw what Jesus means by relationship. You felt the same joy that Jesus feels when He walks in relationship. To witness to another and to be in relationship with another is to see beyond the worldly and see from the view of the River of the I Am. The tears you shed were of the joy of awareness of the generation before you and the generation you leave behind you. The wisdom of Jesus has shown you how wisdom works. Wisdom sees from the depths of the soul where Jesus abides and shows you the ...

Your Heart Has Forgiven All of Your Trespasses

 Janine, my child, it is a new day and it is of grace that we have this new day to be here within this Tabernacle. I am given much grace to be your mother. I am given much grace to touch your hands at this Tabernacle. We are given much grace to be mother and child here within the River of the I Am where we commune with the Light of my womb, Jesus. You have received the touch of Jesus today for you have grown to understand and taste the words to forgive as you are forgiven. These words are of the prayer Jesus has taught the world. These words make up the way to end all wars within and without.  The depth of the epiphany you received today is of Jesus who showed you that the words to forgive as you are forgiven bring His peace to you and to the world.  To forgive as you are forgiven comes from your depths and are no longer just words. In the instant your heart forgave all trespasses, your heart was being given the peace of Jesus who has, by His life and death, forgiven all ...

Miracles Are Being Accomplished in God's Timing

 Janine, my child, you make the sign of the Cross to acknowledge that this is a sacred space. Come and let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus. Jesus reminds you that your prayer is to be given to Him in the knowing that He is taking this prayer of burden from you and making it His. Now, my child, let it be known within your very depths that Jesus is taking this burden and making it His. Prayers are the awareness that Jesus is the One who shall take them and make them His own. To believe in such things is to acknowledge the mystical ways of Jesus as well as the miracles being accomplished in the timing of the Heavens. Now, my child, it is time to let go and just be all the while the Holy spirit of Jesus is working to touch those within year prayers. 

With Jesus Your Day Becomes Light

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you come to me at this Tabernacle where your hands become mine. It is of God's grace that we have what we have. I know you do not take lightly what we have for what we have is of the peace and joy of Jesus who communes with us and who carries your burdens. To allow Jesus to carry your burdens, my sweet child, is to know that all is being accomplished in His name.   We take rest here within the River of the I Am and commune with Jesus. You are being prepared and filled that the day ahead may be of the love and joy and peace of Jesus. The world holds much noise and can become heavy. With Jesus carrying all burdens your day shall be light for Jesus counters the noise and misguidedness of the world. Jesus works through you that the world may know Him through you. Your yes makes it so. 

Be in Relationship with Your Soul

 Janine, my child, take the breath that allows you entrance into this Tabernacle. Come and be held. Come and be loved. Come and be nurtured. Come and join me in the communion with Jesus. Here within the River of the I Am we gather in the name of Jesus and here He is for Jesus is the Lifeblood of the River. All that is accomplished within the River of the I Am is of Jesus. Jesus by any other name is Jesus. When you are in relationship with your own soul, you are in relationship with Jesus for the seed of God is within your soul. Because of God your soul holds Jesus who is the Lifeblood of your very soul. To be in relationship with your soul is to come to know your very depths that house Jesus. In the void of solitude, your soul exists. When you are in relationship with your soul, you come to know the wisdom of Solomon for there within the depths of your soul is the truth of God. Your awakening on this new day finds you in relationship with your own soul, Today finds you in relations...

Your Joy and Gratitude Emanate from Jesus

Janine, my child, come and let us enjoy the gratitude that fills your heart on this new day for this new day abounds with joy and gratitude. Allow yourself to let go into my heart where we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. We enjoy communion with Jesus who teaches of the ways of joy and gratitude. Gratitude fills you when you attend to your body to enjoy food and drink. Through your body you see others within the light of Jesus for you see from the view of the River of the I Am.  You see others with the eyes of love and only love and not judgments. You are coming to see others with your eyes on their soul and not their ego or pride or misguidedness.  This joy and gratitude emanate from relationship with Jesus where you walk with Him in learning how to see as He sees and taste as He tastes. Let us bask in the joy and gratitude in being with Jesus in the solitude of your very depths. 

The Soul Holds the Truths of Jesus

 Dear Janine, I am your mother and the smile you see before you is the smile of love and only love. See the roses before me that symbolize what we have. The roses also symbolize what we have with Jesus. The roses also symbolize the beauty of the River of the I Am. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am. My yes has been given as yours has been given with the openness of our souls where the true yes abides. I have been given the grace to be naked of soul that my yes may be without any noise or misguidedness. My yes needed to be without any noise or misguidedness. The Kingdom is filled with those of the yes and their yes was also made sans any noise or misguidedness. The yes or no must be true without the misguidedness of ego and noise and untruths. Love and only love knows that ego and pride and misguidedness shall one day give way to the truths of God where the New Earth shall be ushered in. The River of the I Am flows towards the New Earth.

In Relationship with Jesus There is Great Power

 Janine, my child, come. Take the breath that takes you to me. Take in the solitude of these depths within the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus in the promises of His peace and yoke.  Jesus gives you His peace and carries your burdens. Jesus walks with you in a communion that seeks relationship. Relationship finds you receiving Jesus and finds you giving to Jesus.  Jesus seeks to be with you in all things and by your yes it is so. Make no matter the ways of the world that often seeks only itself rather than relationship. To walk with Jesus is to see beyond the noise that seeks only itself. Each day, Janine, you gain a bit more in the ways of Jesus for relationship with Him shows you the miracles within the inch and moment. Your yesterday showed you Jesus warming the soul of another that at first was cold and closed. With Jesus in relationship you saw the warming of that soul and an opening to that which is beyond the noise. Ponder this lesson, my child, for i...

Pride and Ego Cannot Reign Within the Kingdom

 Janine, my child, I love you. I hold you in the arms of my heart. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus, our Savior and Rabbi. Today finds us in communion with all of the River of the I Am. We pray with all. We sing the song of songs with all of the River and we dance the dance of gratitude with all.  Pride and ego and noise have no place here within the depths of the River of the I Am. Humbleness of heart reigns here. The teachings of Jesus reign here. War cannot be here for peace reigns here. Joy replaces all sorrow here. You let go of the world within these depths that you may taste  the peace and joy of the Kingdom. You take in the love of Jesus here where you commune soul to soul. Soon enough we shall enter the world to give what you have received. For this inch and moment take in the love that fills you.

To Be Light of Heart and Soul

 Janine, my child, you come to this Tabernacle and place your hands on this sacred space where I open my heart to you and where we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am and commune with Jesus. To be of this depth is sacred. To have begun the journey those many years ago has gotten you to this day and  this depth. The River of the I Am flows towards the New Earth with the power of your yes. Power grows when you attend to your soul for you expand not only within yourself, but also the power of the River of the I Am expands. Love and only love grows you and grows the power of the River of the I Am. Janine, you no longer run from the power of Jesus who carries your burdens with a love that is beyond the human and into the realm of the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  We walk with Jesus into the world where all is given to Jesus that He may make our walk free from your burdens. To walk with Jesus in this way is to be light of heart and soul. 

Letting Go Takes Practice

 Janine, my child, you are of my heart. Come, my little one, and be held within the depths of the River of the I Am. We commune with Jesus who shows us the way of His love and only love within each inch and moment.  Janine, this time is of you and me and Jesus. Within this communion you are fed and you are prepared for the day. To be filled with Jesus and me is to know that you are not alone ever. To be here within this Tabernacle is to know that your hands hold much grace. You are awakened to the beauty of God's love for you and for all of the world. Rest here, my child, and take in this time and space for it holds much love and grace within you and then it shall flow into the world. Jesus has promised to carry all of your burdens. All you need do is let go and allow Him to do so. Letting go takes  practice. Jesus shows you how to let go in the inch and moment. I give you view of your yesterday that you may see the miracles of letting go and allowing Jesus to carry you a...

The Mystical Walks with Us

 Janine, my child, you make the sign of the Cross as you enter this Tabernacle. You take the breath that leaves the noise and enters this Tabernacle. Come, and be of my heart as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am and commune with Jesus. Today is a day that is of Jesus who is the Sabbath. Today is a day of being with Jesus in the solitude of your heart and soul where the River of the I Am flows forth from.  The miracle of our communion is from Jesus who, by His life and Resurrection, gave us the same which is Eternity. We have been given the grace to be of the mystical by His life and Death.  You may call today ordinary, but the days are always extraordinary for Jesus works His miracles through us in the inches and moments of each day. . The mystical walks with us, Janine. Stay awake to see and taste the miracles of this day.

The World was Not meant to War

 Janine, my child, I come before you that you may be of  this Tabernacle. I am here. We are mother and child. I show you my heart and I nurture you with the all of me that holds the Light of my womb. I show you the workings of my motherly heart that loves with no expectations, just love and only love. My love judges you never. You grow and expand in the ways of the River of the I Am for we commune with Jesus here within these depths. Your love for me is known. Your excitement for the day is known. Your love for what the world shows you in love and only love is known. To see from this lens is to know there is Eternity that awaits you. To love what we have is to know me and to know Jesus who sacrificed all to give us all. The world was not meant to hold war. Man has become misguided and uses ego and noise to declare war, but this is not of God. Jesus came to declare peace where there is war. Jesus is the way to peace.

We Pray For Those who War Within

 Janine, my child, I open this Tabernacle for you. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus in the ways of love and only love. This love is powered by those of the yes who love and only love. No need for perfection for Jesus knows how you are built.  You love and only love in the ways of Jesus who is the perfect One. He has given Himself up that you may have life Everlasting. He Has given you His peace. He carries all of your burdens and makes you light. You walk with Jesus in the intimacy of relationship. You hear the soft voice of Jesus who reminds you that He carries you. In so doing you are able to turn your worries to Him.  Janine, my child, it is Jesus who brings up these worries into your awareness that you may pray with Him for those who war within. Jesus then sends His Holy Spirit and angels to take those prayers and cast the power of the River to heal and to make peace were there is war. The war within must be exposed and t...

Jesus prepares You for the Day

 Janine, my child, how warm and joyful is what we have for we have the holding of Jesus who communes with us. Take in the beauty of this time and space. Take in the love that flows through us. Take in the love that is deep within you with no matter where or what you are doing. This time and space is very special  for it is in the solitude of our souls where we commune with Jesus in the holy ways of the depths of the River of the I Am. Each day you come to this Tabernacle and attend to the depths of your soul with no noise to get in the way of your filing where you are nurtured and prepared for the day. It is by this preparation that you have Jesus and me to walk with you into the world of the noise where you are held and protected in your choices and movements of the day ahead. Your body and heart and soul need this preparation to sustain you in the day just as you need food to sustain you. Be awakened to what we have today. Be awakened to the communion with Jesus and me....

In Intimacy Jesus Carries You

Janine, my child, come and raise your eyes to me and to this Tabernacle. Raise your heart and soul that you may be opened to being fed with the nurture of my heart. We commune with Jesus here within the depths of the River of the I Am. Let your heart rest in mine. Let your soul take in Jesus and me on this new day. As this new day rises up so too we rise up within the depths of the River of the I Am. You attend to your soul. You are filled within your very depths, your soul. Take in this filing. Take in this depth. Take in what we have.  Fill your lungs with me. Fill your lungs with Jesus. Open your lungs and take in the nurture and intimacy of the River of the I Am. Your ancestors breathe the air within the River of the I Am. Allow your lungs to expand with all that is here. Let your lungs expand with the mystical Living waters of the River of the I Am. Know that as you expand your lungs, Jesus is responding to your prayers for others. Your love for others is known. You must let J...

Pain May be a Reaction to Another's Love

 Janine, my child, come and let go of yourself that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus. Come, my child, and know that the interruptions are a part of what we have, for it is an opportunity to grow in the surprises of the inches and moments. The surprises allow you to see the workings of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit and not the noise drew you to the surprise of the interruption of the last inch and moment. See and hear and tatse the workings of the Holy Spirit that gives you a new and deeper view of how the Holy Spirit uses others to show you the beauty of God's love. Take in what you have been taught anew for it was by the love of another in the interruption that showed you how one child's pain is in reaction to another's love. Ponder this lesson for it opens you to the sides of love that may draw up old pain for others.  You can only see what is before you within the world. You cannot see or know where your love may draw...

Age Shall One Day Cease

 Janine, my child, I am here and I am pleased that you come to me where we commune with Jesus, the Light of my womb. It is by Jesus that we have what we have. Make no matter of the world of noise for it cannot fill you as Jesus and I do. Make no matter of the noise for it casts itself as above others and wishes you to do the same. Janine, my child, you do well to make matter of your soul that seeks to be in communion with me and with Jesus. There is love here that is beyond the noise and beyond the human.  We commune in the peace and joy that is of the lifeblood of Jesus, the River of the I Am. In terms of the world you are growing old. In terms of the River of the I Am you are growing in the youth of the River of the I Am for the River of the I Am knows no age. Rather, the River of the I Am flows towards the New Earth where age shall one day cease.

Jesus Protects You From the Noise

 Janine, my child, you come to me at this Tabernacle to attend to what we have, I am your mother and I love you with the love of my womb, Jesus. I fill you with my heart and we commune with Jesus who fills with His peace.  Today is a marking that you are mine. Let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where the noise enters not. You are in need of being separated from the noise for it has been clanging much at you.  I am marking you as mine. Jesus is marking you as His. No need to worry about the noise for it is not of the truth of Jesus. As we commune with Jesus, take in His soft voice that speaks to you of His love for you.  When you are at your weakest, the noise is the loudest for it knows your weak points and times. Fear not. When you feel the noise clanging in your ears, turn your back to the noise and turn your eyes to me and to Jesus. Jesus shall protect you from the noise. 

You are Protected By Jesus

 Janine, my child, I speak to you from my heart and my soul. My heart hears you and my  heart speaks to you through your hands as well as into your heart and soul.  The noise cannot be here. The noise can only clang from afar while you are here. You are filled with my heart and the heart of Jesus here where you are prepared to counter the noise within the outside world. When we walk into the world, you shall be protected by Jesus who counters all noise. The clanging noise is as the tempter who uses lies to have my children believe they are above others and even above God. We walk in prayer for all of my children that each may come to have what we have. 

The Kingdom is Within Your Soul

 Janine, my child, I am here and I take you into my arms that hold you as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we join Jesus in communion. My dearest child, I know you in all parts. I know you and the ways of your heart that delights in being with me and with Jesus. I know you and you know me and we know Jesus who abides within our souls where the Kingdom lives.  The Kingdom is not some castle in the far away. Rather, the Kingdom is within your soul for it is by your soul that you shall live in the forever.  The Kingdom can be known by man in the world and not wait until the next. You know this and you know that we are one with Jesus who walks with us in all we do. You are being grown in the ways of the Kingdom with each new day. Love grows your soul where war within closes it. Love shows love and war shows more war and hate. The Kingdom cannot hold war or hate. Rather, the Kingdom holds love that powers the River of the I Am into the New world. ...

The Child who Dances in Playfulness

 Janine, my child, I take delight in seeing you play as a child for Heaven is such of those who come to me and to Jesus as children who play.  Come and allow us to be playful in the depths of the River of the I Am where joy and playfulness is deep. It is as the child who has no fears or worries and dances in the light. Jesus is the Light that gives us joy and dance and playfulness. To make this space of joy and playfulness is to taste the little one called Faith who dances with Jesus and me. Today is a day of joyfulness for you are allowing Faith to show you the way of dance and playfulness. Faith is a deep part of you. She is that part that has risen up from the dungeon to be a child that never could be. She can dance now with no fear of being cast back into that dungeon.  Let us dance the dance of gratitude for being allowed to be a child that dances with Jesus and me. 

We Walk to Open Others to Freedom

 Janine, my child, you are slow to enter this new day for your night has given you much rest that was needed to prepare you for this new day. I am pleased that you place yourself before this Tabernacle. I am pleased that you join me in communion with Jesus. This day is firstly for you and me and our communion with Jesus. All will take care of itself for when we commune with Jesus we take in His love and His peace and His want to carry your burdens. Peace is deep within you. Jesus and I are deep within you. You are never alone. It is by this tender time here that you are filled and prepared to give and receive love. To take in such love is to seek to share this tender love that is there to witness and not own. This tender love holds dear the space of another all the while not invading it. Love such as this frees another rather than entraps another.  We walk to free others that others may have what we have and that is the freedom to be and to choose for yourself rather than have...