
Showing posts from January, 2025

To Be Enveloped by Love and Only Love

 Janine, my child, it is another day and as the sun rises, you attend to your soul at this Tabernacle. To attend is to love. To attend is to make matter of what we have. To attend is to awaken to what your soul is designed to be, which is to love and be loved. You learned a great lesson in the last days and that is the love of yours and the love you give to yours. To be enveloped in the world by love and not anger or war is to know the peace and joy of Jesus. To be enveloped by Jesus and me is to know the ways of love that give and receive. The greatest gift of Jesus is to know love and only love. To know love and only love is to know you shall see Eternity. No one is forgotten, Janine. All are loved by Jesus and me as well as all of the River of the I Am.

We Shall Walk With You Into Eternity

 Janine, my child. You ask me if it is to end what we have at this Tabernacle? Time is of your choice. I and Jesus walk with you in all of your choices. Your heart and spirit will know when it is time. This Tabernacle shall be open to you into Eternity. That, my child shall never end. What has changed is your learning is deeper and deeper each day with less and less need to be of concern of fear or reprisal. It is your fear of aging and not being able to write my words.  I promise you I shall always be here for you. Jesus shall always be with you. We shall walk you into Eternity when it is time.  Your choices are yours for you are loved beyond measure. When it may appear that you have no choices for the end is near, we shall walk with you into Eternity. 

Jesus Holds Your Pain

 Janine, my child, it is a new day with new hope and faith and trust. I love you and I hold you for you are mine. I never leave you and I am with you in all things. To be of my heart is to know the ways of motherhood for I mother you as you  mother yours. This is the way of our design. Joy fills me as joy fills you to be of motherhood. Yes, you feel the pain of yours as I feel your pain. Pain is not to be diminished but to be held knowing Jesus shall enter and take the pain and make it His. To have given all for us, Jesus took on the pain of each of us and made it His. Pain may show itself in many different ways, but pain is pain and Jesus has taken all of our pain and made it His. To know this and taste this is to know that Eternity shall be with Jesus where all pain shall cease.

The Walk of Awareness

 Janine, my child, you make the sign of the Cross to engage this Tabernacle. You place your hands before this Tabernacle and await my holding. In the instant you turn to me, there I am. In the instant you turn to this Tabernacle, there is Jesus who carries us into the mystical where we commune together in the presence of our God. You are graced to be of this depth within the River of the I Am. We are graced to be mother and child. You are graced to be so alive. To be this alive, you had to walk the walk of awareness where one day builds upon the other and where faith and trust are built, one day upon the other. You grow each day for you become all the more and more of your design. You grow each day for Jesus shows you the way of love and only love that not only grows you, but also grows much power within the River of the I Am. The River of the I Am flows towards the new Earth where love and only love shall reign forever. We walk into the world to gather those placed before us where...

Miracles Occur in Interruptions

 Janine, I speak to you through your hands and heart. I speak to you with the love of my heart. I fill you that you may be nurtured that you may in turn nurture. What I give you we walk to give to others for this is the way of your design.  I take in the smile of your heart that knows me. I take in the joy that encompasses us. We are mother and child now and forever.  No need to make matter of what the world wishes to deny. You know the beauty of the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. This Tabernacle is made holy by your attendance. The interruptions do not take away from what we have. We walk to make matter of interruptions for interruptions give us the opportunity to walk and hear Jesus in the inch and moment. Ponder this lesson for interruptions give us the miracles of Jesus in the inch and moment. Attempting to make happen things that cannot happen only makes foolishness.  Let those with ears to hear, hear.  

Become Free to Taste Joy

 Janine, my child, you come to me and I open this Tabernacle for you that we may have what we have. We are mother and child by God's hand. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we dance today in the Light of my Son, Jesus. We commune with Him in the joy of dancing hearts. When you see from the view of the River of the I Am, you awaken to the truth of love and only love. To be human is to feel joy. To be human is to know fear and pain.  You must seek to see from the view of the depths of your soul where all is seen in the joy of knowing that Jesus is with us in all things and He takes your burdens and makes them His. This frees you up to taste joy for Jesus has you. The joy and peace of Jesus fills you. 

Faith and Trust Over Time

 Janine, I welcome you to this Tabernacle. I welcome you to this time and space that is for you and me. We commune with Jesus within the depths of the River of the I Am. Today shall find you loved with the ability to love. You have gained much grace with your attendance to your soul for your soul grows with attendance to it. Today shall show more in the ways of trust. You write my words in trust where you know not the next sentence of my words  and where you await my words. How great is this trust for you take care to write my words. Trust is not just a word for trust must be tested over time to be tasted and understood. You have come to me each day where trust that I will not abandon you has become known and tasted within your depths.  Just as with trust, faith has grown within you over time. You have come to me at this Tabernacle each day and now you have great faith that I will be here.  

Jesus is Love and Not Reprisal

 Janine, my child, I am here and I am pleased that you attend to this Tabernacle. As you place your hands upon this Tabernacle know that by your hands and your yes, I come to you that you may know my love and the love of Jesus. As you reviewed your yesterday with Jesus, you tasted the ways of relationship with the love of Jesus. Today is deeper within you for your yesterday grew you. To become deeper is to expand the depths of the River of the I Am that flows within you. Your yes began this journey into your depths. Jesus asks only that you walk with Him. To hear His soft voice in conversation is to grow your depths. Jesus speaks of being with you in all of your choices. It is Jesus who shows you the way into the Kingdom where all is filtered through Him. You are learning that love and not reprisal are of Jesus and the Kingdom. 

The Power of Soul to Soul

 Janine, my child, you are in need of your mother. Come and be filled that you may taste my love. Come and know how much Jesus loves you. I hold you and mother you in the ways of your needs. Jesus shows you much love and much grace for you now taste the miracles in the inch and moment and in those whom you have relationship with.  Relationship with another may be in only one inch and moment but they are no less powerful when you allow Jesus to show you the beauty and miracles in each inch and moment. Jesus shows you the power of relationship when soul to soul is engaged. Miracles show themselves in relationship. Jesus shows you who He is in relationship. What you receive you give back for this is the way of your soul that walks with Jesus in all things. You stay awake and you taste the miracles of relationship.

You Cannot Love with Conditions

 Janine, my child, come and as you let go, know that I take you deep into my heart that flows with Jesus within the River of the I Am. Warm yourself before the love of my heart that loves you with a love far beyond the worldly alone.  We take in the heart of Jesus for we gather in His name. Today speaks to you of love and only love. The soft voice of Jesus speaks to you of the ways of love and only love. You cannot love with conditions. Jesus asks no conditions of you nor do I. Jesus showed you the truth where when you love and only love, you must allow others to follow their path of choice, not yours, even when that choice may not be what you wish for them. To truly love you must see beyond the surface of one's choices, even those who choose evil. Jesus is beyond all evil and one day each child shall be placed before Jesus and choose Him or not.  One day the misguidedness shall be taken away from each child where the true choice lies. Yes, there shall be those who still ...

Taste the Power of the River of the I Am

 Janine, my child, today is anew with the many choices and possibilities before you. You come to me at this Tabernacle and present yourself to me that we may descend into the depths of your soul. The River of the I Am flows through your soul. Your yes to me and to Jesus gains us this time and space to commune within the solitude of your soul. Soon enough, the day shall move us into the world. This time and space is for you and me and Jesus in the mystical ways of the River of the I Am that flows towards the new Earth. Love and only love, my child, is what powers the River of the I Am. Taste this power that graces us. Taste the love that is within you and surrounds you and watch as it powers this day.  The world may deem love and only love less powerful than hate and war. But, my child, I say to you in the voice of the heavens that love and only love shall usher in the New Earth. War cannot usher in the New earth for war only makes more war. It is by love and love alone that sh...

Choices Show You How Much You Are Loved

 Janine, my child, fear not any reprisals from me or Jesus. Fear of reprisal is of the noise and not of Jesus or me or the River of the I Am. The noise uses words of attempting to break down and making worry by calling out what it knows causes  you fear. The noise casts itself into the world causing fear of making mistakes. You make no mistakes. You make choices. You do no wrong as the noise would have you believe. You have choices. The noise asks you to limit choices in the name of a misguided idea of right and wrong. The noise does not know right and wrong, but rather, makes noise to have you believe you are wrong. Janine, my child, God gives you choices that you may see how much you are loved. You love others as you love yourself where your choices choose between the two. This is the way of your design. Choose today knowing your choices are made in love and only love. 

Energy for Self and Others

 Janine, you are my child and I love you with the love of my heart that knows you in your very depths. Come and be filled and nurtured in the ways of my heart and the heart of Jesus for we commune with Him within the depths of the River of the I Am. Today is anew with many choices before you. Know that Jesus and I walk with you in all of those choices with no judgments. There are those choices that speak to you of care for yourself that you may care for others. There shall be those choices that show you the path to care for others. There shall be those choices that show you the path to care for yourself. In the same measure that you care for yourself there is a need to care for others for this is the way of your design. In the measure you care for others there is a need to care for yourself for this is the way of your design.  When yourself is not taken care of you lose the energy to care for others. When you do not care for others in the same measure as yourself, you lose ene...

Growing the Solid Ground Beneath You

 Janine, my child, how graced we are to be loved so much by our Father and God. We are graced to be mother and child in the presence of God and in communion with Jesus. We are graced to be of the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. The miracles of your day yesterday gave you pause as you reviewed the day with Jesus. You saw clearly the ways of Jesus as He carried your burdens and touched the many surrounding you. The joy in your heart as you witnessed to your yesterday shone brightly. Your day today is being built on the ground of your yesterday. The ground beneath you today is more solid than your yesterday.  Joy and faith and trust are the fruits of your patience in awaiting Jesus to show you just how much He loves you and yours. Knowing Jesus takes your burdens and makes them His grows the solid ground beneath your feet.


 Janine, my child, your love for me is known. Your love for Jesus is known. To be loved at this depth is to know you are in relationship with Jesus. The soft voice of Jesus speaks to you of His desire to be in relationship with you. To be in relationship with Jesus is to listen and to know you are being heard. To be in relationship with Jesus is to see your choices before you clearly and with no judgments to influence you for your choices are your choices. No longer do you see in the ways of how others may want you to choose, Rather, you choose with agency. Agency is the knowing that you have choice over yourself. Agency is the knowing that you choose how and when and where you move through the world. Jesus walks with us and shows you agency. To give yourself up to what others may want you to choose takes away from agency. To walk with me and Jesus knowing your choices are all yours with no judgments is to know agency. Agency allows you to have influence over your own life. 

Your Soul Speaks Without Words

 Janine, my child, come and be known. Come and know you belong to the River of the I Am. Your yes has made it so. Your yes is all that is needed to open the gates of Heaven. Your yes is known for I see into your soul. You have learned much of love these last days for your soul speaks all the more and more without words. To speak from the soul requires no words for the soul speaks in the love of relationship that exchanges love with no words in the many times it speaks to another soul. To speak to another soul is to listen in the measure of love and only love. To speak to another soul only requires the flow of love and only love. In the quietness of our relationship with Jesus our souls speak without words. Love is tasted more than it is heard. Let those with ears to hear, hear.

To Taste the Void is to Know Jesus

 Janine, my child, it is a new day where we meet at this Tabernacle. This time and space is of you and me and Jesus. In the solitude of this Tabernacle we meet that we may descend into the River of the I Am and commune in the void with Jesus. The void appears to be in darkness when viewed from the surface. But within the void, at this depth, you witness to the great light. The light that shines within the void is Jesus who is the lifeblood of the River of the I Am. Peace reigns here within the void. Joy reigns here within the void. Faith and trust fill you when you enter the void for to taste the void is to know the truth of your soul. Your soul is attached to Jesus and to the Kingdom. This truth can never be taken from you. To tatse the void is to be in relationship with Jesus where you hear and speak soul to soul with Jesus. Let those with ears to hear, hear.