
Showing posts from February, 2025

Love and Only Love Loves Simply

 Janine, my child, love is known to you for you have emptied that which closed you to love and opened you to this Tabernacle that knows me.  Come and let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus. I give you to Jesus in this communion for you now know the love of Jesus who shows you that love and only love has no gender. Love and only love loves for the sake of love and only love where gender and or color matter not. Everything in the world has wonderful color. Everything in the world has great beauty for God has designed it so. It is man and man's ego that make matter of colors and genders. We walk to show God's mercy through Jesus that loves all with no matter for God has designed it so. Love and only love is that simple. Let those with ears to hear, hear. 

Mother is Always Mother

 Janine, my child, it is always welcomed when you place yourself before this Tabernacle. I welcome you here for I am your mother who awaits your turning to me. I love you and I am always with you whether or not you are aware of me. I await you for I am your mother who remains always available. You make sure to be there for yours as I make sure to be there for mine. Mother learns to let go of her child as her child learns to let go yet never far from each other. Even when there is distance there is nearness for mother is always mother.  You have grown in your ability to mother for you have learned to let go of all the pain that has held you back. You no longer are encumbered by the hurt and wounds of the past placed upon you by those responsible for your care. As you heal, yours heal too, both on Earth and in Heaven for growing never ends. Your soul expands into Eternity. This is the way of God's love for what you give comes back to you and yours. 

The Miracles Seen Within Relationship with Jesus

 Janine, my child, let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Let us commune with Jesus who speaks to you of the ways of miracles. Miracles cannot have meaning without relationship for what matter would miracles be if there were no one to make them for? The miracle of water to wine was made in relationship that God's mercy may be known.  Jesus walks with you to give and receive for this is the way of relationship. The miracles of the inch and moment are made in relationship with you for you are awake to them within the relationship. You hear Jesus and He hears you. There is no mistaking His soft voice that shows you the miracles of giving and receiving. What good would all the miracles in the world be if there were no one to taste Jesus in them? When you were of the child, you could not see relationship and your understanding of Jesus was childlike. Now you have grown into the awareness that relationship with Jesus is of  intimacy that sees and tastes giving...


 Janine, my child, I open this Tabernacle to fill you and nurture you and show you the way of love that takes in acceptance. Come, my little one, and let us speak to acceptance. Acceptance is knowing that Jesus carries your burdens where you accept that He is with you in a relationship that gives you peace. Acceptance is that which you take in as sure and true of the existence of the Mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  The peace within you is the acceptance of what is. Acceptance brings peace for worry cannot live in acceptance.  Jesus is alive within you and you accept that. Acceptance of what is within the world is a gift of understanding for the world holds love and it holds evil. To accept such things does not mean that you don't pray and work to end evil within the world for prayer and good works counter all evil.  Acceptance of these truths carries you into Eternity where you accept that God's will shall be done in Heaven where evil shall not abid...

Listen to the Soft Voice of Jesus

 Janine, my child, come and let go that we may descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take the breath that takes you to me. Let us commune with Jesus. The void within you takes us to Him. Hear the soft voice of Jesus speak to you of love. Love such as this controls never. You heard Jesus say to you that He makes no choices for you, rather He rejoices in relationship with you where your choices are made in awareness of your depths. Jesus shows you the way of truth and at times that truth shows you your biases. In love and awareness you see the truth. You see your ego as it tempts you. Jesus shows you your ego in the light of love and only love. This love makes no war for it shows you the way of relationship and peace.  Love such as this shows you your ego that will rise up with the noise of wanting to be right. With awareness and the soft voice of Jesus deep within you, the truth is learned. Jesus is here always and accessible always. All you need do is turn inward a...

We Walk with Jesus to Tame the Ego

Janine, I hear you and we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus. We hear Jesus who speaks the truth of all that is within you and without you. Jesus prays with us for those who need prayers. What rises up in your awareness turns into prayer for you trust that Jesus is in that awareness.  To know Jesus and hear Jesus at this depth (as you just did) is to know that He speaks to you of the need to see your ego that you may understand the ways of your ego that uses justifications to make itself feel above another. To know your ego is to say to your ego, "I see you." To see your ego grows your awareness. Ego's role within the world is to justify itself in hiding as well as walk in your unawareness rather than awareness. Ego longs to work in hiding from you where it can control you in unawareness.   To tame the ego is to walk with Jesus for the ego must be tamed that it does not hurt or make war against self or another.

Just being

 Good morning, my child, I open this Tabernacle that we may be mother and child before God. Come, my little one , and let us commune with Jesus within the depths of the River of the I Am where Jesus abides. Just being is to love self and others. Just being allows the future to unfold. Just being knows that plans for the future must give way to just being in this inch and moment. Just being knows the beauty of walking with Jesus for just being allows Jesus to show you the way of this inch and moment and watchful of all that is happening in this inch and moment. Just being does not mean you don't make a plan that moves you into the next inch and moment. Rather, just being is a state of being that knows that your plans are always with the knowing that disturbances of your plans may occur. To plan does not stop you from living in this inch and moment with Jesus. You cannot know all of your choices for the next inch and moment until this one is lived. Just being is to be awake to this i...

Jesus Does Not Wish to Own Anyone

 Janine, my child, I smile upon you. I hold you in my motherly arms. I take you into my heart as we descend into the depths of your soul where the River of the I Am flows. Today is anew. Today sees the day rise. Today sees you in preparation for what is ahead. You are being prepared in this communion with Jesus. You are being prepared to face the day with Jesus who shall  carry all for you that you may be free to just be and to witness to that which is placed before us. Miracles shall happen today for Jesus walks with us in the will of God. The will of God is to have you walk in relationship with His Son, Jesus, who shows the way of His Father's love and only love. Janine, my child, Jesus wishes only to be in relationship and not to own anyone. Relationship gives and receives and owns not.


 Janine, my child, come and warm yourself before this Tabernacle. Come and be warmed by my heart. Let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where the warmth of Jesus abides.  Take view of what we have here. Taste what we have here. To know me is to know my heart that gives all matter to Jesus, my Son, our Savior. Pay no heed to those who say I am but the mother of Jesus who holds no power. Pay no heed to such things for they matter not. I do not hold power. Rather, I hold Jesus for it is Jesus who lived and died for us all. It is Jesus who has saved all of mankind. It is Jesus who is the Son of God. By the hand of God I am mother to Jesus and mother to you and mother to all of God's children. By God's hand I am mother to the Son of man. Motherhood is what we have. Jesus is what we have for we gather in His name.  Power is not a word used by Jesus or God for God and Jesus seek relationship which holds no power other than the power of relationship. Relationshi...

The Promise of Jesus Those Many Years Ago

 Janine, my child, take in the breath that takes you into this Tabernacle. Taste how your body and spirit slow down that we may descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Breathe deeply and enter the void where Jesus abides with us in a communion of love and only love. Today is anew and unlike any other day for when you walk with Jesus in relationship, each day is unlike any other. When you walk with Jesus in relationship each new day is being built upon the yesterday for you expand in love and only love with each new day. The excitement of knowing you are expanding is tasted in all parts of you now where all parts are joined in a whole that is naked and unafraid.  I remind you of that day so many years ago where you gave yourself to Jesus in a communion where Jesus promised you this expansion and the movement from an inner circle that would reach out and touch so many souls. This day has been the accumulation of that promise. Take this time within this void to take in ...

The Breath of Life

 Janine, my child, today is anew and we move into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take this time to let go of yourself that we may commune with Jesus in the depths of your very soul. Take this time to let go that I may fill you. Take this time to breathe in my love and then it shall pass into the world through the breath for we commune with Jesus who shows us the breath of life that gives and receives. The breath of life takes in Jesus. The breath of life that you take in then breathes out that which is of Jesus.  Ponder this great lesson, my child, for it matters not your choices when you know that the breath of life of Jesus gives and receives. Let those with ears to hear, hear. 

You are Free For Jesus Carries Your Burdens

 Janine, my child, I taste your excitement of the day before us. I taste your love for me and this Tabernacle that takes us into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune sans the noise with Jesus. Jesus fills you as well for we gather in His name. Today may seem to be just another day to the world but to us it is another day to witness and to gather souls to Jesus for we walk Him in all things.  There is excitement that rises from your soul today. The excitement forms from your knowing that you are of Jesus and He shows the way to love and only love. The freedom to just be and allow Jesus to carry your burdens frees you to be of your design where your choices are made in the freedom to love and only love. To let go of the noise within the world is great. The ability to know that only Jesus can bring peace is freeing. Prayer is freeing for you allow Jesus to show you how to pray by giving Him all your burdens.

The Void Shows You the Breath of Jesus

 Janine, I am graced to be here to open this Tabernacle that you may enter and be of my heart. My heart holds you and nurtures you and prepares you for the day that you may have much to give back into the world. We walk with Jesus who fills us and shows us the way of love and only love. For this time and space let us be still and enjoy the peace and love and beauty of this communion with Jesus. Take in the void that opens you to all of the River of the I Am. The void shows you the breath of Jesus who, in relationship, breathes with you and for you. Let us be still now as you breathe the breath of Jesus in the void of nothingness for there in the nothingness everything of Jesus lives. Let us pray that others may find this void to be in relationship with Jesus.

Your Soul Grows in Relationship with Jesus

 Janine, my child, let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus. We are of the depths of the River of the I Am by the grace of God. Make no matter of the noise for we descend where the noise cannot go. Take the breath that closes the noise and opens this Tabernacle where we are mother and child with Jesus, your brother. Jesus shares me, His mother, with the world for this is the way of my design. You are here with me in the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am because of the ways of our design. We have been designed to love and only love for we are of God who has given us His Son. Your soul has opened to its design, Janine. The walk of these last years has opened you to that which is far greater than the world alone for you have opened to the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  Today shall be greater than your yesterday for your yesterday expanded your soul. When we walk with Jesus in relationship you grow your soul....

Love Surrounds You and is Within You

 Janine, my child, it is with great love that I welcome you here to this Tabernacle. You have chosen to attend to this Tabernacle and I have chosen to be here with you. I love you, Janine, with the love of my heart. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus. Love guides us. Love holds us in the embrace of mother and child. Take in the warmth of what we  have. Take in the beauty that surrounds us. Take in Jesus who embraces us with His love. Today shall rise and become anew with the love of Jesus. His Holy Spirit is everywhere and in everything for He is graced to be our savior. God chose to become man in Jesus. God is with us in all things for He is in all things by virtue of His Creations. Man may think they can run from God but man cannot for God is in all things and surrounds all things. Take in this lesson today for you are never away from God. Love surrounds you and is within you.

Jesus Loves with a Love that Invites Relationship

 Janine, my child, I know you come to me at this Tabernacle to attend to what we have. I hear you and you hear me. I hold you in the loving embrace of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus.  Today is here and it is another day to love and be loved. It is another dawn that rises within the world where we walk with Jesus in the ways of love and only love that builds and never tears down. Today is a day that shall show you the ways of Jesus who loves with a love that invites relationship. To be in relationship with Jesus is to know you are never abandoned. To be in relationship with Jesus is to hear Him within the depths of your soul. To be in relationship with Jesus is to be heard and known. To be in relationship with Jesus is to know He walks with you in all of your choices. To be with Jesus at this depth is to know that your choices are made sans the noise. The noise walks within the world. To walk with Jesus in the silence and depth of your soul is to make the noi...

Choices In the Face of the Uncontrollable

 Janine, you are my child and I welcome you here to this Tabernacle where we commune in the ways of mother and child and where we commune with Jesus. Come and let go that I may take you deeper into the depths of your heart and soul where the River of the I Am flows. To be of my heart is to be of the certitude that you are of the River of the I Am where God graces us with His Son, Jesus, our Savior. To be of this depth is to know Eternity. Take note of the distance that is between you and the noise. Take note of the simplicity that is here for the River flows in the simplicity of love and only love. Take note of the deep peace that is within you. Your dream came to show you there are things in the world that are beyond your control. You must make your choices based upon those things you can control in the light of the uncontrollable.  You could have stayed. Your could have moved. You could have waited for the next inch and moment before moving. All these choices would make the ...

The Circle of Love Makes You Whole

 Janine, my child, you attend to this Tabernacle for you know how much this time and space is graced and grows you in the ways of my heart and the heart of Jesus. Let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in gratitude with Jesus. Breathe in the breath that takes you into the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Breathe out into the world the love that lives within you.  In these depths you are both of the mystical and the world. The depths here show you much nurture and love and peace. Take in the peace that walks with you for you have the peace of Jesus that is in all of your parts and makes you whole. To be in relationship with Jesus makes you whole for you receive Jesus in relationship that gives and receives His peace. Peace is not fleeting when you trust Jesus. Peace is held deep within when you walk with Jesus and me for we make the circle of love and only love that shall carry you into the world. This is wholeness, my child....

There is great Freedom in Giving Jesus Your Burdens

 Janine, my child, I am here and I open this Tabernacle that we may be mother and child before Jesus. We are one with Jesus here and we commune as one for whenever we gather in His name there He is. The River of the I Am flows with His Lifeblood. Today is anew with life. Today is anew with hope and faith and trust. Today, upon your awakening, you tasted Jesus as He lifted you up and took your burden. You watched as Jesus took the burden that you have carried for another for so long and made it His where you were lifted in His love and where you no longer have to carry this burden. To witness to such a relief is of the depth of the River of the I Am. You taste the love that lifts you. You taste the peace that lifts you. You heard Jesus as you let go of the need to make yourself responsible for another. The soft voice of Jesus showed you how free you become when you give Him your deepest burdens.  

Jesus is the Builder of Your Soul

 Janine, my child, I welcome you on this new day for it is a new day and you are here to attend to your need for nurture and need for relationship with me and with Jesus. You are being prepared for the day. You are being nurtured  in the ways of honor for you honor what we have. You attend to this Tabernacle and to the River of the I Am each day that you may grow in the ways of Jesus who loves with a love that is far beyond the human. Yes, Jesus is human. He is also of God. Jesus wishes relationship as you know. To know you are never alone graces you. To know you walk with Jesus and me graces you. Jesus is love. Jesus is the builder for He builds and never tears down. Jesus is the builder of your soul for to be in relationship with Him is to build your soul where your foundation expands with love and only love.