
Showing posts from October, 2024

That Which Is Deep Within You Knows Jesus

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you attend to your soul. I am pleased that you place yourself before this Tabernacle. Your hands become my words for your hands write before the mind is engaged here within the River of the I Am.   Your hands are connected to your soul here within the River of the I Am.  The day rises up to greet us. The day finds you being filled with my heart that loves you with the love of Jesus for our communion holds Jesus. The lesson today is to reach into yourself and stay awake to that which is deep within you. To do so is to make irrelevant the noise. To reach deep into yourself is to be intimately connected to Jesus where the noise cannot live.  To walk with Jesus from deep within yourself is to live in the inch and moment where Jesus speaks from.  Take note of the voice of Jesus as we move into the world. Stay deep within yourself and be awake to Jesus.

The Opened Soul Makes us Whole

 Janine, come. It is our time for you put away all to come to me at this Tabernacle. You place yourself before me where we flow into the depths of the River of the I Am. We flow with Jesus who makes us one with Him for we are of the yes and we are of the River of the I Am. Today, Janine, shall take us once again into the ways of the sacred witness. We shall walk to open hearts and souls so that the truths held deep within the soul may be exposed to the light of day.  We need not invade nor preach. We need only witness to the soul in its hiddenness. The hidden soul wishes to be seen and tasted for it knows in hiding wholeness cannot be.  Each opened soul sees and tastes its God.  When the soul opens it becomes freed and the whole may be known and tasted. Let those with ears to hear.

Be Still of Soul and You Shall be Expanded

 Janine, my child, We are with Jesus for we flow into the depths of the River of the I Am where we become one with Jesus. Take in the beauty of what we have. Take in the ways of your breath that takes in love and only love. Take in this filling and when you have been filled with my nurture and the great peace of Jesus we shall take it into the world to give to others what we have.  Take in the way of your body that is responding to the expansion of your soul. Taste what it feels like to be expanded within these depths. Feel your body as it becomes so much more peaceful for the Kingdom is within. Peace is within. Jesus speaks within.  In your yesterday, you trusted to speak the words that carry love and only love into the witnessing of those placed before us. You are never alone, my child. Let us be still where you hear the soft voice of Jesus speak to you of the ways of love that loves others, loves self and loves Jesus, all with the same love for love and only love loves with no excep

Peace and Joy Shall be Your Forever

 Janine, my child, I am your mother who holds you and I am pleased that you come to me at this Tabernacle for by this Tabernacle we become one with Jesus in our communion. Come, my little one, and let us hold each other in the embrace of mother and child. Come, my little one, and let us join Jesus in the prayers of all of the River of the I Am where the power of God abides.  God hears all that is within each soul for God holds dearly each child. His seed is in each child. Our God has given us Jesus who is our Savior. Jesus shall attend to each child in the way of love and only love that judges not. Each child shall meet Jesus whether it is in this world or the next for all goes through Jesus in the end.  The world is greatly loved by Jesus for the world is a gift of God. Man may choose to defile it but that does not stop Jesus from loving it no matter the ways of man. Jesus loves with the love of a loving God. Be still and take in the beauty of the River of the I Am that makes simple a

Jesus Carries us with His Patience and Kindness

 Janine, my child, let go and be freed from the noise that wishes to take you from this inch and moment with fear and worry. It is just the noise. It is just the rising of this day that uses your weakest place to cast its noise upon you. There now, my child, enter this Tabernacle and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am. Let your breath take in this inch and moment where we commune with Jesus. Take in this beauty that shows you my heart through your hands and shows you the soft voice of Jesus. There now, my child, we are one with Jesus in the awareness and awakeness of your heart and soul. The noise that awakened with you this new day is of the old for it is the way of the noise of the child within you. The child within you tasted the old fears. These fears are gone now, my child, that you may be free from the noise. The noise has been cast out for it cannot be here within the River of the I Am.  You are being prepared for this day in love and only love that is kind and

The Truth of the Sabbath

 Janine, come and know that I am here and I open this Tabernacle for you for we are graced to be mother and child. You have trusted this Tabernacle for all these many years and now you are no longer fretting that I may abandon you. I have never abandoned you nor will I ever abandon you. Today is of the Sabbath for you make holy your attendance to this Tabernacle. Each day you make holy this Tabernacle by your attendance to your soul and your attendance to what we have. We have this communion with Jesus each day where we make holy God's day.  No need to take one day and make it the Sabbath for you make each day the Sabbath by making holy this time and this space. You are beloved and you love this time and space.  There are many who make the Sabbath but a ritual and miss the ways of the truth of the Sabbath. To honor the Sabbath is to move inward and know Jesus in intimacy. Let those with ears to hear, hear.

Seek To Live in the Current Inch and Moment

 Janine, my child, I am here and I open this Tabernacle that I may hold you and take you into the depths of your heart and soul where we commune with Jesus. Take in this beauty and peace and joy.  Today is a day for us to walk in the ways of Jesus who shows you truth and the way. I give you view of your yesterday where you walked with Jesus and me in a way unknown to you before. This is the way of love and only love that grinds the old from your yesterday and makes it fodder for the beauty of the River of the I Am. Your yesterday saw you  give to Jesus that which was of the old ways of fear. When you trust Jesus to show you the way, you need not fear.  The fear was of the want to control your inch and moment that fear may not take you over. Fear lost itself in your yesterday for you gave to Jesus all the fears, not just by words, but also by your spirit that grew to know that whatever happens in the next inch and moment shall show itself and you need not fret. Your choices shall show t

We Do Not Feed the Ego, We Feed the Soul

 Janine, my child, I warm you and welcome you to this Tabernacle where my motherly ways of Jesus fill you and hold you. I nurture you. Come, my little one, and know how much you are loved. I prepare you for the day. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where you take in the peace of Jesus. Today is anew with my love and the love of Jesus. As you are prepared for this new day, take in what is before you. When you are readied, we shall move into the world to witness to those placed before us. To be of the sacred witness is to love without boundaries knowing that we witness without any attempt to control or use self righteous talk that seeks to control. To witness is to know that self righteousness is of the ego and not of the soul. The opened soul of the sacred witness seeks to connect to another's soul on the levels of listening and holding of what is expressed by another's soul without use of ego. When another uses the egoistic parts, you are aware of the soul th

The Truth of Jesus Replaces Ignorance

 Janine, my child, I taste your gratitude. I taste your love for me. I taste your love for Jesus. I commune with you as we commune with Jesus for this is the way of the River of the I Am. To taste Jesus is to know within your heart and soul and bones that you are never alone. This space and time fills you with the truth of love and only love. It is love and only love that powers the River of the I Am. Today is anew with the freshness of truth. Truth is always anew for it is of the Lifeblood of Jesus who is always expanding you in the ways of truth.  Truth replaces ignorance when you allow the River of the I Am to show you the way. Truth replaces the old for the old which contains ignorance is ground into the River of the I Am making you more whole and  more alive and more joyful with each day.  Slowly and with simplicity each day grows you. Slowly and with simplicity Jesus grows you in the ways of truth that carries faith, trust, joy and peace.  Let us walk in gratitude for all that gr

Grief Has Turned to Joy Knowing Jesus is True and Real

 Janine, my child, it is always welcomed when  you place yourself before this Tabernacle. Your yes to me has no limits or boundaries. Your yes to me graces us for you are awake to who I am and what we have. I give you view of that day of your first hearing of my words within your hands at this Tabernacle. Your hands could not believe what your heart was telling you.  Yet, my child, you kept listening and in God's timing, you began to trust what we have. Each day has built your trust and understanding of what we have.  I give you view of your hearing of the need to "let go" of the pain of loss for your loved one for you heard your loved one speak to you and ask you to let him go for he needed to be freed from the bonds of the Earth. Only you, as his soul connector, could understand the joy of letting someone go so that the soul may enter into Eternity sans any holdings. Love lets go. Love finds joy in knowing that a loved one is now with Jesus. Love finds joy in the knowle

You Attend to Your Soul Each Day

 Janine, my child, I welcome you to this Tabernacle that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where I feed you with the love of my heart. We commune with Jesus here within the depths of the River. I feed you that you may feed. I hold you that you may be prepared for the day where we hold others in the gentle embrace of love and only love. To hold with no boundaries is to know the ways of the mystical body of Jesus for Jesus holds with no boundaries.  Jesus carries us with His love that does not take away your choices. Jesus walks with you and keeps you open to the inch and moment where your choices are before you in an awakeness that sees all choices from the view of the River of the I Am. Jesus is the Lifeblood of the River of the I Am. Jesus is your brother and Savior. Let us walk today in the openness and nakedness of your heart and soul that sees through the eyes of Jesus in the inch and moment. I give you view of your yesterday where you tasted Jesus in the inch

The Solid Ground Beneath You

Janine, my child, you come before me and ask only to be loved and held and filled. I am your mother who loves to be your mother. I fill you and attend to you. We are joined by Jesus for we gather in His name. No need to fret for Jesus is the One, the Savior who walks with us in all we do. I do not leave you ever. I walk with you always especially when you are intensely engaged in doing the work of the sacred witness for we are mothers who love to love. To be of the sacred witness, you must be filled with love and only love. Daily, my child, you must be filled. This Tabernacle is the sacred space that fills you and allows you to hear me through your hands.  Jesus is the soft voice that feeds you as well. Jesus is the soft voice that points out your love as well as your misguidedness all in love and only love. You have learned the joy of opening all up to Jesus that you may grow your foundation. You make your foundation more solid each day with the cement of love and only love.  Be still

To Just Be is to Taste the Holy Spirit

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you come to me and you attend to your soul. I am pleased that you take this time and this space to gain us the grace to be mother and child in the depth and awareness of your soul. I fill you with my nurture. I fill you with my love that loves as one with my Son, our Savior. By my yes and the yes of Jesus we have this time and space to just be. To just be is to let go and allow. To just be is to let go and take in what is here for you. To just be is to taste the beauty of timelessness for here within the River of the I Am time has no place. Take in and allow your soul to expand with the ways of the mystical. Just be and taste the flow of the Holy Spirit that runs through you and me and Jesus where we are in a communion that never ends. You have given yourself to Jesus who carries us in this timeless space where His peace is gentle and only seeks to give you His peace. He carries us in this timeless peace. Take it all in, Janine, and when it is time

Jesus Builds Rather then Destroys

 Good morning, my child. It is a new day. As the day rises, so too you rise up to greet me and to greet the day. Love is filling you as you attend to your soul. Love and only love is filling your heart and soul with the Lifeblood of Jesus.  To be still and to be filled with my love and the love of Jesus is to know love and only love.  You have done the work of opening your heart and soul in the stillness here deep within the depths of the River of the I Am. By this stillness, you are fed with the love that shall sustain you this day. To be fed with the love and only love of the River of the I Am is to taste the peace and holding of Jesus who carries us in all we do. There is great power in your yes for it opens all that is of Jesus and His Holy Spirit. Your yes empowers Jesus and His Holy Spirit to walk with us and to gather others through us.   The love of Jesus never casts judgment. He walks with us to show the way of building and not destroying. We walk with Jesus and witness to His

The Walk into Eternity

 Janine, my child, I open this Tabernacle for you. Come and know that this Tabernacle is here for you that you may keep your soul opened for I feed you with the Lifeblood of my Son, Jesus, who is our Savior.  I hold you in all you do. Jesus is showing you the way of understanding your body and soul that are at once together and separate.   Your soul knows God intimately for your soul holds the seed of God. To attend to your soul is to come to know the ways of the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. The I Am is our God and Father. To open to all that is of the soul is to come to know yourself as a forever being that no one can tarnish or destroy.  To attend to your body is to come to understand how your body works and walks through the daily moving's of your world. To see and taste your body in the inch and moment is to become aware of that which is unique to you. To attempt to see yourself through the eyes of another or through the eyes of those that make attempts to t