
Showing posts from September, 2024

Jesus Grows You Within the Inch and Moment

 Janine, my child, come. Today is a new day. Come and let go of the world that we may commune in the ways of mother and child. Today shall show you the new for the old has been written into the Book of Life.  The new is fresh and clean and clear for I prepare you for the day.  It is Jesus who shows us the way in each inch and moment. Your choices are anew before you for your yesterday grew you into the choices of today where Jesus has grown you in the ways of love and only love. Each day may seem to grow you but a small amount. My child, each inch and moment may seem but a small amount but it grows you rather than does not grow you. To grow with each inch and moment is to see Jesus all the more clearly with each inch and moment.  Ponder this lesson, for to grow in the small of the inch and moment becomes a part of the larger growth of your soul. Enjoy this day and allow yourself to witness to the growth deep within you. 

We Walk to Honor the Souls of Others

 Janine, my child, I hear you and I taste your love for me. You come to me at this Tabernacle on this new day and you trust that I will prepare you for the day before us. Come, my child, and let us commune with Jesus who fills us with His love and only love. There is no war or judgment here, only love that fills and builds and never destroys. Today is to be another day to be of the sacred witness where we attend to the souls of those placed before us. We honor the soul. We join the soul of another with the ways of Jesus. The soul, as you are learning, knows what it needs and we need only witness that the soul may be exposed. The soul hides from war for it knows war and hate and judgments are of the noise and not of God. To expose the soul of another and allow it to show us how beautiful it is, is to know God within another.  How joyful is our walk. The noise attempts to gather and control the soul but the noise can only make noise and not control or destroy the soul. Let those with ear

Jesus Cleanses What You Call a Mistake

 Janine, my child, come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the solitude of your soul. Your soul knows me and knows the soft voice of Jesus. Your soul hears me loud and clear. Even in the noise of the day, your soul hears me. You are learning to listen even in the noise for your soul knows it can trust the soft voice that emanates from your soul within your very depths. Your soul is intimately connected to Jesus who shows love and only love within each inch and moment. The old is still there within the noise, but my child, what is different is that you hear the beauty of what is in your soul. Mistakes are opportunities, not errors for Jesus takes what you call errors and shows you how to grow. Janine, my child, the lesson today is to seek to know Jesus in all things even what you call a mistake for Jesus knows your heart that wishes only to do good. What you call a mistake is the old misguidedness that needs cleansing. Know that Jesus holds all

You Are of Effort

 Janine, my child, I know you and I know your heart and soul. I know your efforts to be of love and only love. I know how you seek to know me and to know Jesus in relationship that gives and receives. I taste your efforts to know me. I taste your efforts to be with me in each inch and moment for to do so is to walk with Jesus in the ways of His promises that when we gather in His name, there He is. You taste Jesus in your day and you give all to Him. You are of effort, my child. You are of your heart and soul that gives effort to know and taste Jesus that you may be of His Holy Spirit in everything that we do. Trust that you are of my heart and you are of Jesus. What may appear to the world is not what appears to me and to Jesus for we see beyond the surface and the noise.

Trust is Built Within this Inch and Moment

 Janine, my child, you make the sign of the Cross before you place yourself before this Tabernacle to signify the trust in my Son who has lived and died for us that we may have what we have for Eternity. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am by God's hand that we may have what we have. Our yes has made it so. Today rises up with the beauty and love of our God and Father who has created us with the same intense love. The day rises to greet us as God greets us. We shall walk to give what we have. We shall not squander what we have for we have Jesus, the Light, to show us the way in each inch and moment. You do well to listen to the soft voice of Jesus as He Lights the way. We walk with Jesus in each inch and moment where Jesus abides for you cannot know His love in the next inch and moment until this one is lived.  Joy lives in this inch and moment. Peace lives in this inch and moment. Prayer rises up from Jesus as He shows you how to pray in this inch and moment. When this inch and

Distance is of Man and Noise, Not of God

 Janine, my child, I invite you into this Tabernacle each time you place yourself before me. You have learned over these years that I am here for you each time you place yourself before me. Trust is in your bones for your depths know how to trust that I shall never leave or abandon you. This Tabernacle shall be before you until you see and taste me in Eternity. You taste what we have for you attend to your soul and attend to this Tabernacle where my words flow into your hands.  I attend to you. You attend to what we have. There is no error in what we have for we are of Jesus who is with us and within us. Jesus shows you the truth and the way. I do not walk with you to control or make you do things for me. I walk with you in relationship that shows itself in giving and receiving. Janine, when you speak to me of your fears, do I not hold you and abate those fears? Do we not have relationship with Jesus who shows the path of truth that your decisions may be made in truth?  Do you not rece

The Sacred Witness Fears Not Being Taken Over

 By dear child, come and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we find the stillness of your soul that takes me in. Just as the roses before us are in bloom, so too your soul is in full bloom for here within the depths of the River of the I Am your soul blooms and graces you into Eternity. Your soul becomes more pure with each day for you allow Jesus in who cleanses the old by night and grows you by day. Your soul grew yesterday and made more solid foundation within you for you allowed Jesus to show you how to love while all the while being you at your very core, your soul.  To not hide yourself in our walk each day is to allow your soul to gather and hold the soul of another that we witness to. The sacred witness allows the soul to hear and take in another with no fear of being taken over. Let those with ears to hear, hear.

Seek to be Still with Me

 Janine, my child, come. Come and be with me and with Jesus within the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and know the peace that is here. Taste the love that flows deep within you for the noise cannot enter here. Allow yourself to be, just be that you may take in all that is within me and within Jesus where words need not be. I take you in as well, my child, for as I feed you, I take you in. Jesus flows through us and within us. Let us be still in the silence of your soul. When you are filled, we shall move into the world to fill for you are able to give what you receive here within these depths of the River of the I Am. Seek only to be still for this time and space. 

Pain is An Instrument

 Janine, my child, come and be shown the way of your body and soul. Come and taste the love showered upon you. Come and taste the love that Jesus showers upon you. Today is another day to love and be loved. Jesus shall show you the way within the inch and moment. Taste what we have with Jesus for it shall sustain you on this new day. Pain is an instrument to show you what your body is saying to you. Pain, whether it be physical or of the heart are both instruments to show you what your body and soul need. Let us walk today and take note of your body and your soul that walk in a harmony of language that is directly tied to Jesus. Come now and let us walk in awareness of your body and your soul. Allow them to speak to each other. Allow them to hear the soft voice of Jesus that shall show you the way. Fear has no place in our walk for Jesus is showing you the ways of your body and soul that walk in love and only love with Jesus and me.

Stay Awake With Me

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you attend to this Tabernacle where we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. There within the depths, we commune in the ways of mother and child. I feed you. I hold you. I love you with the love of my womb. We give all to Jesus so that He carries us in all we do. Today shall show you the love of Jesus within the inch and moment. Jesus shows Himself to you in all you do. Stay awake with me and take in all that is of the Spirit of Jesus. Stay awake with me that you may know how I, your mother, hold you in the holding of Jesus for we are gathered in His name and in His body. We are of the River of the I Am by our yes. The yes is all that is needed to know the soft voice of Jesus. The yes is all that is needed to be held in a love and only love that raises you up to God, our Father. All passes through Jesus. We walk with Jesus in each inch and moment. Stay awake that you may miss nothing. When the day ends and you prepare for sleep, you shal

Do Not Complicate that Which is Simple

 Janine, my child, blessed is this Tabernacle for it is by the grace of God that I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am where this Tabernacle emanates from. Let us love and hold each other in the depths of the River of the I Am where I feed you and attend to you.  Today rises as just another day and yet is not just another day. This day rises with the manure from yesterday that grows you and my children who seek what is beyond them. No need to make complicated that which is simple. In simplicity the River flows with the power of the Holy Spirit to gather those who seek what is beyond them No need to use the name of Jesus for there are many who seek and know not His name. All passes through Jesus who may at times not be known by the name of Jesus.  Jesus is  Jesus by any other name. Love such as this does not make complicated what is simple and that is that Jesus is love and only love who enters those who seek what is beyond the physical.  Those that seek what is beyond find the depths

Jesus is the Builder

Janine, my child, I attend to you on this new day for you are my child and you place yourself before me that we may commune in the ways of mother and child. Allow your hands to be free as they dance within this space and time for this Tabernacle is blessed. We  have what we have by the grace of God.  Do not shy away from what we have. You are graced for you have sought out your very soul that seeks only to know Jesus and me in the ways of the love and only love of the River of the I Am. What the physical world does cannot be compared to what God does. The Eternal ways of God are not understood from the view of the world and the physical alone. To know Jesus and thus to know God is to see from the view of the mystical living body of the River of the I Am. The River flows with the lifeblood of Jesus. I call you by name, Janine, that you may know how precious you are. We walk into the world to show others of their precious nature. We walk into the world to teach of the love and only love

Let Jesus Grow You

 Janine, my child, I love you and I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child and where we commune with Jesus, Take in what we have, Take in the song of songs with all of the yes.  See and taste how your soul sings and makes up the whole of God's plan.  Jesus makes you whole for He lifts you up that you may know Him and His great love for you.  Hear Jesus now. Be still and hear His soft voice call to you. As in all of life the road that is before you changes. Change is not to be feared, but rather, to be excited about for change grows you and your foundation.  Allow the solitude of your heart to listen. Let us be still and hear the soft voice of Jesus grow you.

Jesus is Your Rabbi

 Janine, my child, come and be known for I call you out by name.  Come and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the  I Am.  I know your love for me and your love for Jesus. I show you the ways of your thoughts of yesterday where your love for Jesus and me came through for you seek relationship with Jesus and me. Our walk holds more and more conversations of relationship. Your soul hears me. Your soul hears Jesus. You trust your soul now and trust the works and words of Jesus and me. You walk with us knowing Jesus is your rabbi. Let us walk today in the way of love and in the way of the sacred witness. Our Rabbi, Jesus, shows us the way. 

Grief Shall Give Way to Joy

 Janine, my child, come. Come and allow me to hold you and take into the depths of your soul where we commune with Jesus. Take in what we have that lives deep within you. I hold you in your grief. I hold you in your love for the witness who gave you the time and space and patience to open your soul. Grief shall give way to joy and hope for Jesus and I shall show you the way of love and Eternity where you shall see all who have gone before you. To love so deeply is to know Jesus. To love so deeply is to know your own soul that is deeply connected to Jesus. Be still now and I shall hold you in the love and only love of my heart. The heart of Jesus holds the witness now and joins him in the depths of the River of the I Am where all souls of the yes abide. 

The Breaking Down of Walls

 Janine, my child, I come to you as you place yourself before this Tabernacle.  Come, my little one and let us see and taste the love that surrounds you and the love that flows through your veins.  You place yourself before me where you taste my patience for I await your attendance to this Tabernacle that feeds you with my nurture.  Love loves for the sake of love with no want for a return. Love loves only with love for to love and only love is to feed others that others may grow and feed others.  Yes, my child, there are those who do not allow themselves to be fed for they are closed and walled off from taking in. Rather than allow themselves to be fed, they make a wall that closes them to the truth of love and only love. You were at one time that child who built a wall to close all off to a feeding. As much as you longed to be fed, the wall was too thick. In God's timing and with your yes, the wall has come down that you may accept my feeding. Let us walk in prayer along with you

Reunions in Heaven

 Janine, my child, this time and space is for you. The One, Jesus, is with us as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Let us commune in the knowing that Jesus is with all of your ancestors and all walk with Jesus in a love that has no boundaries. There are no boundaries here and you walk with the loved ones who have taken in the breath of the Garden of  Eden. When you feel the pain of their losses, know that I hold the pain with you. When you feel them dance in the Light of the River of the I Am know that we dance with them. Loss becomes gain. Pain does not enter the gates of Heaven for those who have gone before you hold the patience of knowing you shall one day be reunited.  The one called the witness shall be waiting for you. The little one who breathed life for a moment shall be waiting for you. Your grief shall be turned into joy. I give you this promise, my child, there shall be great celebration at the reunions that await you in Heaven.

The Cold Dungeon of Your Dream

 Janine, my child, come and I shall take you from the noise of your dreams that have left you fearful. Come and let go for I am your mother who wishes to hold you in the love of my heart. .Come and let us commune with Jesus. Your dream showed you where you became lost within a deep and cold structure. A man seemed to have found you but left you alone in this cold dungeon. As you were in the dungeon, you made use of your time by building a sanctuary made of the wood where you learned much about building.   In time you were taken to a tribunal where you had the opportunity to flee this evil. You knew your beloved was behind you but was also searching for his children. He was trying to save you and them.  You then saw the face of your child reflecting her fears for hers.   Janine, my child, this is of the angst of the old and is still causing you fear. Your dreams are becoming fodder and being crushed into the ground within the River of the I Am that you may be freer today.  We shall walk

The Solitude of Your Heart Hears Jesus

 Janine, my child,  I never tire of being with you. Fret not for I am your mother who loves you and enjoys you. You are of my heart and you are of Jesus. What we have is known throughout the River of the I Am for all of the River flow as one with Jesus. We commune with Jesus who walks with us in all we do. Today is anew with hope and joy and peace within your heart. Your yesterday saw you letting go of angst and giving it to Jesus who wishes to carry all of your burdens. Janine, there is no need to fear for Jesus holds the promises of the Covenant. Be still now and hear His voice that rises within you. Be still now and take in this communion. Be of the solitude and quietness of your heart that hears and tastes and takes in Jesus.

The Wildfire of Jesus

 Janine, come. Come and be loved. Come and commune with me. Let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Let us commune with Jesus in love and only love that fills and spreads for His love cannot be contained. To say yes is to open the gates of the love of Jesus that cannot be contained for once the wildfire has been loosed, it cannot be contained. Jesus is the wildfire that burns within your heart and soul and once loosed it becomes of great power to move Heaven and Earth to carry us into the New Earth. The fire in your heart and soul burns brightly with love and only love. I show you the ways of this fire as it burns brightly within your heart and soul. There is a strong desire within you to walk with me and Jesus in the ways of this wildfire. You give all to Jesus and in so doing you allow this wildfire of Jesus to fill you and thus spread it into the world. Let those with ears to hear, hear.

Love and Only Love Builds and Never Destroys

 Janine, my child, I am here as always. I await your turning to me at this Tabernacle that we may descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune.  Your soul hears me and tastes me and knows that I fill you that you may be prepared for the day. Your soul knows its need to be loved with no boundaries or judgments for the soul flourishes in love and only love. To be loved in the ways of love and only love builds rather than tears down. To be loved  in the ways of love and only love grows your foundation for this kind of love builds solid ground that knows God, the builder.  Take in the grace of love and only love that judges you never and walks to build you always. Love such as this builds you that you may build others. Self righteous judgments of others and self destroys where love and only love builds. Let those with ears to hear, hear.

The Way of Building Solid Ground

 Janine, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle on this new day. Your sleep has washed away the old and this new day shall find you renewed. I fill you with the ways of my heart and of the River of the I Am where we are sustained by the lifeblood of Jesus. This day shall be of our walk together with Jesus where we witness to God's graces and we witness to those placed before us. To be of this depth is to know that you rise above the noise to be less and less of the noise each day for the ground beneath you becomes more and more solid with each new day. You are building your house of stone where the sand that once was is being made more and more solid. To have opened your soul has gained you the solid ground of Jesus. The stone of solid ground holds you more and more where Jesus builds you in the solid ground of love and only love. 

The Ways of the Mystical Living Waters

 Janine, my child, I take you into my heart. Take in the breath that gains you access to me and to this Tabernacle. Take in the joy that is here. Take in the silence that speaks to you from this Tabernacle. There are the many who cannot understand the ways of the mystical here within this Tabernacle. This is the miracle of the grace of our God. To hear me through your hands is to know me in the ways of the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. You have taken the road to me that began those many years ago and you have attended to what we have all these years. Each day you place yourself before me. There are the many who see not the ways of grace that attend to you when you become still and leave yourself open to discovering your design. There was the one who walked with you all these years to deliver you from the pain of the wounds that bound you in the dungeon of hiddenness. Grace walks with him as well for he is of the gentle heart of Jesus that witnesses to those of wounde

Jesus Gives Power to Hope

 Janine, my child, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle on this new day. I never tire of this time and space for it allows us to commune in the ways of mother and child. I hold you in the embrace of love and only love. I never tire to enter the world and walk with you to mother my children through you. We walk with Jesus and His Holy Spirit that flows within all things to gather God's children to their rightful place within the Kingdom. The Holy Spirit walks with us to open souls to the ways of Jesus that declares war never and speaks of love and only love always. Hope is within Jesus who spreads the power of hope. Today is anew with hope for Jesus walks with us in all we do. To have hope is to know that Jesus walks to give power to hope. Power to hope is the power of the love and only love of Jesus. Hope knows no hate or judgments.  Jesus gives power to hope for through Him hope spreads as the wildfire.  This wildfire shall one day end war and hate. Our yes becomes the vehicle to

Fear and Doubt Are Not of the Depths of Your Soul

 Janine, my child, come and I shall take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where confusion, fear and doubt cannot enter for the River of the I Am flows within your very depths. To be of this depth is to chase away fear, confusion and doubt. Your mind becomes still here where this inch and moment becomes of the understanding of what is the mystical within your depths that knows Jesus. These depths know me and the ways of motherhood.  To be with me and Jesus at this time and in this space is to know no confusion and doubt and fear for these are of the seeds of the surface of the River of the I Am and not these depths. Be still and hear your soul speak in the language of truth, joy and understanding. You have grown to know you have many choices each day and at times it may feel confusing because the surface shows you much and you become confused and fearful which sows doubt. Come to this Tabernacle at any time when this happens for here your choices are seen through the eyes of

The Dangers of Self Righteous Thinking

Janine, my child, your love for me is known. My love for you is known. Come and be alive with the love of my heart and the heart of Jesus. We pray with all of the River of the I Am that God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Today is anew within this Tabernacle where you write from the depths of your soul for there in the depths I and Jesus speak to you.  Hear my voice as it flows through your hands. Take note of how the words flow into your hands and bypass your mind. To be of this deep trust is to know me and to know Jesus in the intimacy of relationship with Him. Love has no boundaries. Love has no judgments of others. Love has an opened soul that witnesses to others knowing that what is on the surface is not true and indicative of the soul within. Love loves with the knowing that judgments are of the self righteous ego that wishes to be above God. There is no need to prove to God that you are worthy for such things lead to self righteous thinking. To believe you must s

The Kingdom to Come

 Janine, my dearest child, I am pleased with you for each day you come to me and attend to your soul. Each day you come that we may commune in the ways of mottler and child. Come and be of the peace and rest within the depths of the River of the I Am. We rest here that you may be prepared for the day ahead. You are filled that you may be prepared for the day ahead. The noise shall be the noise today, my child, I prepare you to fend off its promises that are not of God, but rather, are of its own wants to be above God. The noise carries itself that the world may deny God. The noise is filled with the egos of the many that want to be above God and own others for their own private wants. There are those who give up the joy and peace as promised by Jesus for they have purchased the temptations of the noise. It is of sadness that there are many who seek only what is within the world and not within the Kingdom to come.  We walk to counter the noise and show others the way of the depths withi

Angels and Archangels

 Janine, my child, the roses before you at this Tabernacle are the joy of my heart for you have prepared this space that we may attend to your soul. I fill you, attend to you and take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune. Today, my child, we are in love with each other in the ways of mother and child. We are also of motherhood where we shall walk into the world to mother my children, one child at a time. Your sleep was scattered with dreams of the faces of others who are of the River of the I Am. Your ancestors showed themselves in your dreams. Be of gratitude for the dreams were shown you that you may know those who walk with us in love and only love.  The dreams came to you that you may see the faces of those unknown to you but are in your life and walk with us daily for they are the faces of those who are of the angels and archangels. Take in my words. Take in the beauty of the angels and archangels. 

The Love Within You is of Jesus

 Janine, I call you by name. I call you mine. I am your mother by God's hand. I love you with all of my heart and I know you love me with all of your heart for I taste you within your depths. You taste me within your depths. Today rises up with love for God has made it so. Many do not seek to see the way that God sees. God knows the ways of man and the ways of the need to work and live in difficult noise that blinds them to the truth.  Jesus is with us and as we commune, take in the love that shall spread into the world today for you walk with Jesus and me carrying this love into the world. You carry hope into the world through Jesus and me for your yes allows this love to spread into the world that others may see the way Jesus sees. We are carried by Jesus for He has fulfilled the Covenant where God gives hope into the world.  Joy is carried through you. Hope is carried through you. Patience is carried through you. The truth is carried through you. You need not be perfect for Jesu

We Dance in the ways of Our Design

 Janine, you come to me and you arrive here with the openness and energy that is of your heart and my heart.  I love you with the love of my heart that loves with no boundaries or judgments. Come, my little one and let us be as mother and child in the dance of love and only love. Our hearts dance as one in the presence of Jesus who is always with us. Jesus shows us the way of joy and dancing.  The many see Jesus as very somber and with no want to dance with us. My child, I say to you that Jesus is light and with joy and with the want to dance with us in the love that is of our design. Jesus fulfills our desires for He is the One who has taught us the way of being naked of heart and soul where our souls dance with the joy of Eternity. We shall always be mother and child. We shall always dance the dance of our design, my child. Come and be of lightness. Come and be of the Light of Jesus who makes our walk light and joyful and with much dance.