
Showing posts from August, 2024

We Invite Rather than Invade

 Janine, my child, you are of my heart and you are of this Tabernacle. You have made naked the old misguidedness that has kept you from me. Those years ago when you said yes, you began the journey into emptying the old that you may be made anew. Today is anew with the grace of this Tabernacle and the grace of Jesus who is the lifeblood of the River of the I Am where we commune as one. We gather in the name of Jesus. We are given the promises of Jesus for we gather with Him in the flow of the River of the I Am that flows into Eternity. All are granted such grace. All is needed is to begin the journey into the soul where all is made opened and naked and filled with Jesus. Jesus is always with us and always with each child as I am. We do not invade. We invite. We walk into the world today and as each child is placed before us, we shall invite and not invade. You know the difference now that you have walked with Jesus and me for these years. To invite is to do no harm. To invade is to do h

God Builds and Never Destroys

 Janine, my child, another day is before us and another day to love and only love. I fill you as we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. Take in the joy that is of our communion. I take you in and you take me in for this is the way of communion. The road we walk is never one sided for we are mother and child where you have your mother and I have my child. What we have shall never die for it is of the promises of God that each child shall have Eternity with God. There is only one word for Eternity which means forever. Fret not, my child, for we shall always be mother and child. It can never be taken away. Your hands dance with my words and with the awareness that I am here each day in this special way. You come to me and attend to your soul. To be naked of heart and soul with me is to know how much you are loved. It has been these many years now and you still come to me each day in the nakedness of your soul that Jesus may enter this communion and show us the walk of His

Freedom is the Fruit of Walking with Jesus

 I am pleased at your gratefulness and your want to be with me. You hear me and you hear Jesus. You write my words. My words take you out of the noise as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where your gratefulness is celebrated. You heard Jesus in your yesterday and you heard much about the ways of your holding onto judgments of self where you and Jesus let go of them for He kept His promises to show you the way of letting go and to show you the way of peace. To see your failings by the side of Jesus is to see your misguidedness and the way to let it all go. Jesus took them and showed you the taste of freedom. Freedom is yours when you hold nothing by allowing Jesus to take these judgments against self and others and to show you the way of letting go of them.  Freedom is the fruit of your yesterday for you listened to the soft voice of Jesus explain to you the ways of love that sees its own sin and still loves.  Jesus showed you how love forgives self and in so doing le

To Just Take In

Janine, my child, come and rest with me in the silence of our hearts. Come and be still and allow me to hold you and fill you.  Just be, my child. Just take in what I give you. Take in the beauty that is before you. The lesson this day is to just take in. Do not attempt to give for this inch and moment. Just take in. To just take in is to be awake to all that is within you and around you. To just take in is to be naked of heart and soul that the all of you may take in the goodness of Jesus and the goodness of the River of the I Am. To just take in is to realize how much you are loved and how much God has graced us with His love. To just be still and take in can be very difficult for the many must be "busy" all the time and in this busyness the soul cannot just be. Just be and know Jesus in intimacy. Just be and know the promises of the Kingdom for to just be is to join Jesus in the void of nothingness that is everythingness.

All Shall See the Promises of God

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you come to me even when the noise asks you to attend to anything but this Tabernacle for the noise wishes to cast doubt about the truth of the River of the I Am and Eternity.  I attend to you in all things but in this time and space we are of the deep awareness and silence of your heart that hears me and communes with me. The noise cannot live here. The noise waits at the door but cannot enter. The peace of Jesus is tasted deeply here for the noise cannot stop Jesus and His peace here. The noise shall be soon enough, my child, but for now let me fill you and prepare you for the day. Jesus speaks to you and shows you the truth where the noise cannot tempt you with its empty promises of making you above God. Each day the noise clangs at you and each day I and Jesus counter the noise by filling you and preparing you with the truth. By your yes and your attendance to this Tabernacle and to your soul, you are prepared to fend off the temptations of the

Seek That Which is Beyond the Physical

 Janine, do not be of trepidation for I am here. You have a bit of trepidation that I may end what we have and that your hands will not hear me. I have given you the promise of this Tabernacle that allows your hands to write from your heart and soul that houses my heart and Jesus. The River of the I am flows within us that the Covenant may be filled. The Covenant is alive and flows within the depths of your being. The Covenant lives and those that seek to find the Kingdom shall see it rise before them. As Jesus showed us, all that is needed to gain the Kingdom is to seek that which is beyond the physical where the mystical living Kingdom lives.  The story of the man who was next to Jesus dying on the cross with him shows the way of the Covenant. The man asked to be remembered in the Kingdom. This man sought to understand the promises of Jesus. Jesus told him he would be in the Kingdom with him that very day. The Covenant between God and man is alive and is opening the gates of the King

Wonder Shall Be Forever

 My dearest Janine, I call you by name on this new day for your name is written into the Book of Life and it is written on my heart. We are of God which places us in the path that leads to Eternity. You are my child and I am your mother. It is a love story that is being written into the Book of Life. What we  have is of grace and of the great love of our God and Creator. You make effort to be here with me each day where we commune and where I am pleased to feed you with my nurture that loves with the love of Jesus, the fruit of my womb. Today, My child, let us bask in the wonder of what we have. Grace follows us. Love is with us. Jesus walks to show us the way in each inch and moment of this day. When this day ends and the next one begins, you know not where you shall be. If God graces us with another day to walk together on Earth that others may know me through you, it shall also be of wonder. Wonder, my child does not end. It changes within the Kingdom but it does not end. God has de

Give No Air to Hypocrisy

 Janine, my child, let us be as one. Let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child.  The River of the I Am is anew with the love that shall sustain you today. The lesson today is to be aware of all that is around you. Be aware of the love of your soul deep within you.  Be aware of the hypocrisy of your ego. Be aware of the hypocrite that clangs at you to be judgmental and self righteous.  Be aware of that which is deep within you that counters ego and hypocrisy for what is deep within you is Jesus and me and the River of the I Am.  You cannot stop the old from rising up and tempting you with hypocrisy and judgments. Hypocrisy and judgments cannot gain much air when you walk in awareness of them. To be aware is to know that your heart and soul are capable of countering and giving no air to them. To be aware today is to know Jesus shows us the way of giving no air to your own hypocrisy and judgments that rise from the old.  

Fear of Death Need Not Be

 Janine, I hear your call to me as you place yourself before this Tabernacle. Come, my child, and know how much you are loved. I take you into my heart and we commune with Jesus who is the Light to all of the world. Without Jesus, The Covenant could not be filled for Jesus paid the price for our Eternity. Mankind has been given life that death may not destroy the journey into Eternity. The foolish see only the death of the human body and not the rising of the Eternal spirit. Jesus is within and you have come to learn that Eternity awaits you.  The foolish live without facing the journey into Eternity. The foolish only see what they can take from this world and do not seek that which is beyond them.  I say to you, my child, that each shall face the same journey into Eternity. What is not faced here within the world shall be faced in the next. The sadness lies in those who are foolish and live not the joy of each day knowing that fear of death need not be.

God Never Abandons Even into Eternity

 Janine, I am with you always. Your attendance to this Tabernacle brings joy for you are awakened to me. As you place yourself before me you are taken into my heart where joy lives for I am your mother who finds joy in you.  The roses before you mark the joy of my love for you and the love you have for me. Love here within the River abounds with joy. Nothing truly dies, my child, for God's Kingdom makes room for all. There shall be those who say no to the Kingdom. No one shall be destroyed. Those of the no shall live in a place that is not of the Kingdom for all have a choice. All men and women shall have the choice to choose the Kingdom or not for this is the great love of God who loves all with no matter the choice. It is man who hates and declares war and not God. Evil is evil and God knows that. God loves with a love that holds hope into Eternity that even those of the no may in the end choose God. How could a God love only the good? How could a true God abandon any child. Coul

Where Forgiveness Lives

 Janine, my child, come and be of my heart that loves with the love and only love of Jesus.   Come and let us be still in the ways of mother and child. Today is anew with love and only love where Jesus shows us how to love the way He loves. My heart is of Jesus and I live within you as He does. The lesson today is of forgiveness. Jesus shows you how to hold onto nothing where forgiveness lives. The old wishes to hold onto hurts and transgressions. The walk with Jesus shows you how to "turn the other cheek" and let go of wounds and transgressions.  Forgiveness is a way of life where you hold onto nothing. To live in this inch and moment and to let go of this inch and moment when the next shows itself is to walk in forgiveness for the old is let go of and the new is taken in anew. In this way there is no holding onto transgression. Let those with ears to hear, hear.

To Open the Gates of Grace

 Janine, my child, it is a new day with disruptions already. It is these disruptions that make you realize Jesus has you and holds you in all disruptions. See and taste the beauty of the awareness that Jesus is in all disruptions that arise. Come now and let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus. I am your mother as you are mother to your children. Love flows from my heart to yours and then from you to yours for this is the way of the River of the I Am where motherhood is of Jesus. By the life and death of Jesus we are graced with motherhood. My yes and your yes makes it so. I do not put myself above and you do not put yourself above for we give all to Jesus and we love all with no matter their state in life. This is of Jesus. This is of our God. This is of our yes that opens the gates of grace for us. Grace blossoms and grows when you open yourself to God.  Let us be of love and only love. Let us walk today in the walk with Jesus where love is

Our Joy Spreads into Others Through Jesus

 Janine, my child, how wonderous is this day for you are of the joy that is of my heart and the heart of Jesus. There is wonder within you for this new day begins with excitement to be of the joy of the River of the I Am. The promises of Jesus to you those years ago have come to be. In those years that hiddenness was your life, there was no joy for the pain was great. Jesus has made good His promise to make whole that which was broken,  As we take this joy and allow it to pass through all parts of you, take note of the love that spreads with it. Joy is contagious for as you witness to others in joy, it allows others to absorb your joy. In this joy is the promise of Jesus that is being spread to others. No need for others to know the name of Jesus for His joy spreads through you to those who taste Him without knowing His name.  There are those who will walk into Eternity without knowing the name of Jesus, but they shall know Jesus. Let those with ears to hear, hear.

Jesus is the Great Man of Motherhood

 Janine, come. You ask that we pray of your gratitude for your life and what we have and what you are graced with. You are graced with a life that brings joy and peace. You are graced with this Tabernacle that is graced with a learning and prayerful beginning to each day. Gratitude is deep within you for each day is of the promise of Jesus to carry your burdens. We both witness to the promises of this day. We both enjoy the ways of mother and child where you are loved with a love that is beyond the surface of the River of the I Am. We walk to give to others what we have. You walk with  Jesus and me where we nurture others with the graces of what we have. God has designed us to seek to give what we have. You do not take lightly what we have. Our conversations at this Tabernacle are of Jesus who is within us and without us that others may know who we are. We  are mother and child that you may learn to mother others. You mother your children in the ways of my heart. You have given witness

Awareness Lives in this Inch and Moment

 Janine, my child, I take you into this Tabernacle where your yes becomes of my heart. Your yes to this Tabernacle graces us with the ways of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child.  Today is anew with the lesson of your yesterday. It may have appeared to be small but your learning at the depth of your yesterday was great. You learned that nothing is accomplished when you are not fully in the current inch and moment for you cannot be aware unless you are in the current inch and moment. You learned that seeing the ways of your body requires you to remain in the current inch and moment and with awareness the next inch and moment shows itself. You learned that witnessing to your body in the current inch and moment without seeking to know the next allows you to taste the more and see the more and take in scent all the more. You asked Jesus to predict the next moment and you heard His soft voice let you know that He cannot for the inch and moment you were in

The Storms of Fear and Worry

 Janine, my child, I welcome you to this Tabernacle and show you the ways of my heart. Do not be frightened by what I show you for this is the way of the River of the I Am. I fill you that you may know the ways of motherhood. I fill you that you may know how much you are loved. Today, my child, I speak to you of fear. Fear makes many end their journey into their soul for the noise casts fear of being naked and that the soul may show evil within. Fear is fear, my child. It has no place within the soul for God's design has made the soul impenetrable.  One can open the soul and see goodness and not fear. Fear is only of the noise for it cannot be within the River of the I Am. Take note of the fear and worry of your yesterday. You gave the fear and worry to Jesus in a way that spoke of fear. You were, however, sure that Jesus would take this fear and worry from you. You spoke with certainty to Jesus. You spoke in a way that may have seemed outspoken, but it was out of fear and you spok


 Janine, my child, I open this Tabernacle for you. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune for I am your mother who holds you and feeds you with my nurture and attention and love. We are always gathered with Jesus for we gather in His name. We are in intimate relationship with Jesus. Our yes and daily prayers together make it so. To be of this depth is to know that Jesus is in relationship with us in all things.  Jesus saves. Jesus graces us with His peace and the prosperity of knowing we have Eternity together. Prosperity is not about worldly things, but rather, prosperity is of the soul. To prosper is to be very alive in the knowing that the soul is deeply connected to Jesus. To have opened your soul has graced you with the knowing that prosperity shall be yours forever. Let us walk in the aliveness of prosperity with Jesus.

Blindness is Held Outside of this Inch and Moment

 Janine, my child come, and let us be mother and child within these depths where I feed you that your day may be filled with my nurture and the love of my heart. You ask for the lesson for today. My child, the lesson is to be awake within each inch and moment. Take in the beauty of that which is before you. Take in the scent of not only the flowers but also the scent of that which is within your surroundings. Take in the scent of your body. Take in the scent of your beloved. Take in the scent of the tress that give us the scent of summer where all is green and filled with scent. Take in the ways of what you see with your eyes. See that which is deeper now for your eyes see from the expanded parts of you. See the beauty of your soul. See the beauty of the flowers before you. See that which appears to be dying but is not for nothing dies in God's plan.  The lesson of staying awake to this inch and moment prepares the way for expansion in the next. To not be in this inch and moment ke

Joy and Peace is of the Covenant

 Janine, my child, a new day is before us and yesterday is no more. Today carries the peace and love and gentleness of Jesus who carries you in all things. Come and be filled to overflowing where the overflow shall touch others.  Your yesterday ended with gratitude and your new day begins with gratitude. You are of gratitude for your life and for the world and for God's seed within you. To be opened and naked of soul is to taste God in all things. Joy fills you when you give. Joy fills you when you receive. Isn't it wonderful to now know the joys of giving and receiving from the view of your deepest parts that house the River of the I Am. Your soul knows it is part of the larger River of the I Am where all flows in love and only love and flows in the joy of being with Jesus in all you so.  You are aware now that you are never alone. Your conversations with Jesus and me are of giving and receding in the amounts needed to feel joy, peace and faith. Be still with me and Jesus now

To Die that the New May Be Born

 Janine, my child, you come to me in prayer and you come to me to be held in my heart and know true love that controls never and holds always. Today, we walk into the world where you hold in love and only love in my name and we walk in the name of Jesus who shows us the way of love and only. I do not judge. I hold in the love that holds no grievances. I hold in the love that flows and surrounds with the joy and peace and faith that is of Jesus.  You know Jesus now, Janine. You hear Jesus now. You taste the joy and love and peace and that is of the Covenant. It is Jesus and His lifeblood that makes your journey one of such peace. Your walk that began those years ago has graced us with what we have. No need to seek miracles elsewhere for they are here within each inch and moment of our day. You have made this holy place and space for us. Jesus has graced and blessed this holy space for us. Jesus is responsible for your joy for He carries all of your burdens and crushes them into the grou

The Truth of Shaping

 Janine, come and be with me as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and let us commune with Jesus in the silence of your heart and soul. You hear and taste and are expanded to the wonders of your life with this new day.  Take in the wonders of the mystical. Take note of the beauty of your breath that takes in and gives back. You are learning of the wonder of connection to the whole of God's plan and design.  There is great wonder when you taste being of the whole and not broken. The wonder of the whole tastes the beauty of every other child of God regardless of what is seen on the surface for the surface holds the misguidedness of the generations.  The wonder that is deep within you tastes Jesus who gathers the whole into one with no matter the ways of their noise for Jesus knows the truth of what you call shaping. Shaping is learning from those involved in your care as a child for a child absorbs their surroundings.   A child's surroundings give them no c

Jesus Carries the Power of the River of the I Am

 Janine, my child, I call you by name for I am your mother and you are my precious child. You are of my heart for your yes graces you at this Tabernacle. Your prayers today for a day with Jesus and me are being heard. We pray together for all of my children with no judgments to hinder our prayers. The depths of the River of the I Am flow in love and only love where judgments cannot live.  The surface of the River holds judgements, war and hatred. These do not live within the River of the I Am. I fill you with the truths of the River of the I Am. I prepare you to walk within the world that holds judgments, war and hatred.  We walk to witness to all even the evil of war and hatred. We walk in prayer that God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. We walk in the knowing of something deeper and more powerful than that which is of the surface of the River of the I Am. We walk with Jesus who is the source of such power.   Take note today and watch within each inch and moment for the

Rot is Still Rot

 Janine, my child, I give you entrance to this Tabernacle. I give you my heart as we descend into the River of the I Am. All may seem as the same but we move deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where you grow all the more in love and only love for self and others and the world that God has graced you with.  You grow more in the love of self and others for the two are of need to be able to give and receive in the manner as intended by God. To give and receive is to know how much you are loved for to receive in the love of God is to seek to give to others in the same ways. You say to me that you have not much to give for you are of littleness. I say to you, my child, that yes, you are of littleness but God grows that littleness into the bigness of His love and only love. It is not of your doing alone that you are of giving and receiving in such ways, but rather, it is you and God together that grows you and others in love and only love. To the world, it may look as though a m

The Truth of Jesus is Within the Silence of your Soul

 Janine, my child, I welcome you to this Tabernacle. Come and be loved with the all of me. I give you my heart and my nurture and my attention. Within the mystical all is possible, You cannot fathom how much more you shall have one day. But you can and do taste my nurture, my love and my attention. You are expanded that you may take in much more than the physical alone for you are of the mystical here within the River of the I Am. Your soul knows more for it tastes more. Your soul holds Jesus and the ways of your design.  You have the seed of God within your soul and you are tasting God more and more. The taste shall never end, my child, for your yes and your attendance to your soul makes it so. You hear Jesus all the more and more for your soul is opened to Him. The truth of Jesus counters your  misguided learning. The truth of Jesus is heard in the silence of your heart and soul not within the noise  of misguidedness. 

The Oneness of the Mystical

 My dearest Janine, I welcome you to this new day. The dark is giving way to the light. Jesus is here with us who gives Light to the day. His Light is His lifeblood.  His Light shines within us and through us and into the world. The mystical is real and true. Jesus has made it so for us. To give of such love is to gain us Eternity for His lifeblood is of the Covenant between man and God. Jesus, by His lifeblood, grants us the beauty to be of mother and child. Be filled, my child, Be still, my child and know how much you are loved. Today is of joy and peace and stillness of heart for to be still of heart is to listen, To be still of heart is to come to hear Jesus and me in the oneness of the mystical. The oneness of the mystical is to be one with all within the boundless flow of the River of the I Am that houses God. The be of the oneness of the mystical is also to taste the separateness of your soul along with the separateness of other souls for all souls are at once one and yet separa

Maturity Within the River of the I Am

 Janine, my child, you place yourself before me. There is no need for worry. I am here and I await your attention to this Tabernacle and to your soul. We are one here within the River of the I Am for I take you into my heart and feed you with the love I have for you. I carry you in the way of motherhood. I carry you that you may attend to those placed before us. Jesus carries us in all things for your yes has made it so. You are being fed that you may feed others. There is a maturity within you that knows you are never alone. There is a maturity within you that is fed knowing this feeding feeds others. The food here gives and receives. Jesus gives and receives here. Your relationship with Jesus grows into the maturity of the River of the I Am where maturity has to do with growing in love and only love. You have excitement for the day. There was a time when the day ahead drew fear within you. There is no more fear, my child. You have matured in the ways of trust and joy and peace. Peace

Blindness Dies With the Death of Egoism

 Janine, you come to me to taste my love. You come to me to taste Jesus who is the One who carries us in all things. As you taste the freedom to just be, you know that you are of Jesus who is always with you.  As you walk and taste from the depths of the River of the I Am that is housed within your soul, you are less and less of egoism. Jesus shows you the effects of egoism within your misguidedness and you are receptive to seeing this truth. My children have remained blind to the egoism within themselves. The many take their egoism and use it to feign being above another. No one is ever above another. Egoism finds joy in acting above another.  Jesus spoke often of the hypocrite who acts above another. To become aware of your own egoism is to let it die for to make known such blindness gives sight. 

Jesus Makes Room for you

 Janine, my child, you make the sign of the Cross as you place yourself before me. You place your hands upon this Tabernacle and take in what is before you. You take in the rising of the day. You take in the beauty of the rising before us.  Now let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take in the layers upon layers of the beauty as we descend into the depths of your soul. The day is still rising and the roses are still before us but they are in the back and not the fore. Take in the love that showers us in the ways of love and only love. Take in the touch of Jesus who makes your day light when it was of great heaviness in the past. I show you the flow of your life that adjusts with Jesus to those things that are of the inch and moment. Take in the touch of Jesus sans the noise. Take in the touch of Jesus that makes your day of awareness of the love in each inch and moment. From the view of the River the day shall show itself. From the view of the River of the I Am the d

Miracles That Are Far Beyond Happenstance

 Janine, you are my child and I am here. You place yourself before this Tabernacle that we may commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. W commune in the way of your filing that you may be filled with my heart. We shall walk into the word as mother and child where you are filled in the knowing and trust that we shall fill others. We are still here within the depths of the River where you hear me. In this solitude with Jesus your soul hears and your hands taste me.  As I fill you, you and I shall fill others. To be of this depth is to know how grace fills you. To let go and allow this filling is to know that I am your mother. You and I walk with Jesus towards the New Earth. Today is another day to love and be loved. Today is another day to be of joy and trust and peace for your soul has taken in the promises of Jesus. Your yes makes this so. Your attention to this Tabernacle and your attention to your soul allows us to be as one within the mystical Living Waters of the River o

Egoism is Counter to Humbleness

 Janine, my little one, come and know I call you out by name and call you of the order of Bernadette. Those many years ago,  I named you with the name of Bernadette for you carry my love into the world. There is much grace to the work we do. There is much grace to the yes to me and to the want to walk with me and with Jesus in all things. You are of the humbleness of my heart and give all credit to Jesus for we walk with Jesus and give all credit to Him.  Humbleness of your heart comes from my humbleness where you give no credit other than to give credit to me and to Jesus. Humbleness knows that you are of much grace and we walk in grace to witness to the souls of others that the Holy Spirit of Jesus may do its work.  In humbleness we walk in the joy of knowing it is Jesus who carries us. To let go of yourself and give to me and to Jesus your heart and soul is to walk in humbleness. Grace flows through all of your being for you are of humbleness and not of egoism. Egoism is counter to

Your Misguidedness is Being Cleansed

 Janine, my child, this is a new day and as we descend into the River of the I Am, take in the beauty and excitement of this descent. We are mother and child. We are in communion with Jesus. We are in the flow of the River where joy and peace and love abide. You receive my love and I receive your love. This is the way of communion. You give Jesus your love and your receive the love of Jesus. Janine, I know your love for my Son. I know your love for me. I know your love for the life you have been given. I know you are of the breath of the yes.  You pray with Jesus and me that others may have what we have. You pray with Jesus and me to end war within and without. You pray with Jesus and me that God's will may be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. You hear the soft voice of Jesus as He shows you the ways of the misguidedness of your learning. Take note, my child, of the love that engulfs you for to see in this way is to see Jesus in all things.  To see the hypocrisy and dangerous messa