
Showing posts from April, 2023

Trust in Jesus and All Will Be Answered

 Child, come. Let go of the noise and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Trust in me for I am your mother who holds you and nurtures you with no matter the noise. I come to slow all down within you that you may take in the love of my heart and soul. I am given much in the ways of motherhood that I may fill you to overflowing. I am given much in the ways of grace for I am mother to Jesus and by God's hand mother to all. Just be and take me in. Just be and allow me to hold you in the embrace of the River of the I Am. Take note of leaving behind the noise and entering into my heart. Take in the flow of love that fills you and prepares you for the day. Take note of the spaces that joy fills for joy is the fruit of my Son Jesus. This joy is not of the surface. This joy is what you take to the surface with you.  Take note of the peace that is yours this day. Take note of the hands of Jesus that are upon us for i

The quietness to Just Be

 Janine, my child, take the breath of letting go and attend to your soul here at this Tabernacle. Your soul is being nurtured and prepared for the day. You need do nothing other than take in the love of my holding and nurture for it shall sustain you as we walk within the world. Take in the quietness to just be. We hold each other in the quietness to just be. Today is anew with love and only love. I give you view of the places of your yesterday where Jesus showed you the way by speaking from your soul rather than engage in the rationalizations of the noise. When there are no words that rise up from your soul, be of no words. Better to be still when there are no words for the Holy Spirit of Jesus works within the void of no words. You give access to another's soul through the quietness to just be.  You rush no longer to be of words for you are learning that in the quietness Jesus speaks to the soul of you and the other. In quietness you give the souls a chance to commune. In quietne

Love Uncomplicates While the Noise complicates

 Janine, my child, it pleases me that you come here to me and come to love and only love. The world makes much confusion and noise. But here within this Tabernacle that flows with the lifeblood of Jesus, all is simple and peaceful and joyful. Your heart is able to give itself to the River of the I Am where Jesus supplies you with His lifeblood. Stay with me and know the beauty of the flow of the River of the I Am that is deep within your own depths. You need not seek Jesus elsewhere for He is within you. His lifeblood within you shows you the way when we walk into the world of noise and chaos.  We walk to attest to the lifeblood within each soul. As we attest to the souls placed before us, Jesus is able to do His work of giving others His peace. Your yes to me and to Jesus makes it so. The lifeblood of Jesus flows simply. The lifeblood of Jesus harbors no judgments or punishments. The lifeblood of Jesus carries us as we witness to the souls placed before us. Jesus makes simple what the

The Pure Form of Your Soul

 Janine, my child, come. Lay all down that you may be emptied. Let go of yourself that you may be able to take me in. I take you into my heart that flows deep within the River of the I Am where we commune as one for we are mother and child by God's hand. I come to awaken you. I come to give you my nurture. I come to hold you in the embrace of mother and child. You asked to see your mother and she came to you in your dream. She is well and needed to tell you that you cannot go with her for she is with her friends who cannot see you.  Your dream walked you from your home to the pure of the mystical.  You could not return home from the door you entered for that door could not be opened from the side of the mystical. What seemed so easy was now complicated. Yet, my child, I say to you it is simple. Your days are of the mystical now and you find pure joy. Your mother is of the pure mystical now. The two of you enjoyed the white space that symbolizes the mystical. There are places within

You are Designed to Be in Intimacy with Jesus

 Janine, my child, I am your mother who awaits your turning to me. I judge not your choices for I know you are mine and I know your heart that loves me and loves Jesus. Your love is as the beauty of the flowers that live and die by their design. You are designed to love and your intentions are to love and only love. When you say you err, be slow to blame and to take to heart a perceived error or mistake. Your intentions are to love and only love. You give yourself to Jesus and it is He who makes good all of your intentions. You need not fret for you love with your heart and soul and not with the want to be self righteous. It is by Jesus that the miracles of the inch and moment occur.  Your heart is humble and you take no credit for all the love that graces us each day. You give to Jesus all credit for the love that emanates from your heart and soul because you give all to Jesus that these miracles may bring those placed before us to their rightful place of their design. Take no matter

The Role of Holding

 Janine, my child, I welcome you here with no matter the time of day for I am your mother who awaits you for when you turn to me within your depths, here I am. Come, for this is a new day where we hold each other in the holdings of mother and child. Janine, I wish the world to know of my love that carries no judgments, just love. I wish the world to know of my holding for my mother's hold in love and only love gains one the peace of Jesus, the Light of my womb. You are a mother who now understands the role of holding with no expectations of a return for when there are expectations of a return, holding becomes felt as control within the child. The child is confused as to love of mother or expectations of mother. The Kingdom is as the motherhood of holding without expectations or judgments for love and only love controls never and expects nothing in return. Let those with ears to hear, hear. 

In Nothingness God Abides

 Janine, my child, come and rest in the nothingness of the River of the I Am. In this nothingness we are one with Jesus and all of the River of the I Am. In this nothingness all is of the simplicity and love and only love of God. In nothingness there is no noise for God's love takes up the nothingness. In this nothingness you are freed from the boundaries of the surface of the River of the I Am. In this nothingness there is no noise that separates us for in this nothingness you hear me. In this nothingness the void within your depths is found. In this nothingness the truth abides and expands within you. Taste is expanded for you taste me. Your scent is expanded for you smell the roses at my feet.  Your hearing is expanded for it takes in my words and the music between us.  What you gain in this nothingness you take with you into the day. Your yesterday has been written into the Book of Life and your foundation of love and only love has grown you that this day may be all the more an

Worry is of the Noise and Not of God

 Janine, my child, I call you by name for I am your mother who knows you in every place and space. You are mine by God's hand for I am given the name of mother to all. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am by God's hand. Come and be held. I say to you again, my child, your dreams have come to show you the noise that lurks and attempts to use worry to make you believe that it carries the truth. Your dreams tell of worry that is of the noise.  You asked the noise within your dream why you must carry it when your days are not of worry but of joy. Why is it that the noise carries worry into your dreams and not into your daily life? I say to you that it is because firstly, Jesus and I walk with  you in the daily walk of the sacred witness that carries much joy. Secondly, the role of the noise in your life is being documented by your dreams and is being written into the Book of lIfe that all may be made clear in God's timing. Take no heed of the dream that asks you to worry for

Seek Jesus From Your the View of Your Soul

Janine, my child. How is it, Janine, that we have what we have? How is it that you come to me at this Tabernacle and in that instant you turn to me we are one and we move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune without the noise to disrupt? The River of the I Am has given us this time and space for it is of God's design. Your soul has opened and been made naked that you may hear and trust what we have. We flow into the depths of the River of the I Am where the peace and promises of the Kingdom abide. You cannot be freed from the noise without the River of the I Am. You must be taken into the depths of your own soul to taste Jesus and not just know Him from the surface that gets bound up by the noise. This time and space is the way to the truth for it leaves behind the noise that works to make you confused. In confusion are the complications of the noise. In the peace of these depths the noise cannot be. In these depths the peace of Jesus is obtained and gathered w

Do Not Take Lightly the Role of Your Dreams

 Janine, come and be with me and with Jesus as we flow into the depths of the River of the I Am that we may commune as one for your soul is opened and naked to all within the River of the I Am. The nakedness here is pure joy for there is nothing to hide. Do not fret your dreams for they show you how  important your days are. They may appear to be exaggerated, but they show how painstakingly God writes your story into your Book of Life. Your confusion upon awakening from your dreams is because you have not processed them with Jesus as of yet. The dreams document your pain and suffering as well as the growth within the River. The Book contains no judgments as you were taught to believe. You judged yourself harshly within the dream but it was from the wound of not knowing "the rules" of how to be for you judged by man's rules and not by God's rule of love and only love. Janine, my child, you often judge yourself sharply. The dread in the dream was from the wounds of not

You Cannot Know the Walk of Another When You Do Not Walk With Another

 Janine, my child, it is time. Enter this Tabernacle that you may attend to your soul. You enter this Tabernacle that you may taste my love here within the River of the I Am. You enter this Tabernacle that you may be held and nurtured. You attend to this Tabernacle that our souls may commune for we are mother and child as designed by God. Your dream showed you the two ways you witness to my children. In the one you were of the self righteous ego where your ego made statements of judgment and in the other you were witness to all that was surrounding you with no making of judgements. In your dream you were able to see afterwards the harm in judging another for the other was innocent of your judgments.  Your dream showed you the difference between the walk of the self righteous ego and of the sacred witness. Your dream showed you in an exaggerated response of your ego so that you may be attentive to your ego for its want to be self righteous.  Your dream also showed you the ways you walk

You Gain the Possessions of the Kingdom

 Janine, my child, come and take in our journey into the depths of the River of the I Am. You are not lost. You are found for we move into the depths of the River of the I Am where what may seem lost on the surface is found within these depths. Take note of the way you greet me with the sign of the Cross that gathers you unto me here at this Tabernacle. Take note of the letting go of the night and the rising of the day with me.  Upon your awakening the noise is loudest for it attempts to make sour your dreams of the night. Your dream of having your treasured item lost is of God and not the noise and yet the noise would have you think this is a tragedy.  In God's timing what appears to be lost is lost that all may be gained. You have lost that which holds you to the earth and gained that which gathers you into the Kingdom. The dream showed you the way of the noise that told you it must have been stolen. Janine, my child, nothing has been stolen. God has written this story into the B

God's House Feeds You

 Janine, my child, you are here and I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the special way of this Tabernacle. Come and be loved and love. You give and receive for this is the way of our design.  Does not your motherly heart give and receive from yours? I love you beyond your earthly measure. I judge you not with your earthly judgments. There is no room for the self righteous ego here for this is the holy ground where the ego must give itself up that your heart and soul may be expanded in the ways of God's love and only love. Your ego wept in your dream for it has come to know that your life is no longer its alone.  It now has to share with all parts that have been awakened and expanded. To make naked the ego is to open the door to your heart and soul. Awakening the ego to other parts deep within is to make known that the ego is not the sole owner of you. You have been awakened to the need to feed all parts of you, especially those parts that were b

Your Dreams are of God's Hand

 Janine, my child, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle. Be of the humble heart for you are on sacred ground.  Your sleep now gives way to the new day. You are of my heart upon the rising of this new day.  Lay down your yesterday for it has been written into the Book of Life. Your today is yet to be written. Taste the excitement of the new day. As you give up your yesterday, know that it has made the foundation of your today.  Your dream of last night shows you the old that is being written into the Book of Life. Your dream  witnessed to the old that has been wept over.  Your dream witnessed to the rising and then the dying of old wounds and worries that have no more bearing on your life. Your dream witnessed to the need to allow these old wounds and worries to rise again that you may see the growth that awaits you this new day. Your dream of the night showed you the worries and wounds that must be laid to rest. By God's hand it has been done. No more do you carry this heavy load.

Jesus Makes Sense of the Senseless

 Janine, come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where Jesus makes sense of all that is of no sense within the world. Come and let go of yourself and enjoy the freedom from the noise. Come and let us commune with Jesus who is the truth and the way to the simplicity of the River of the I Am that is love and only love. We do not have need to judge. The need is love that gives and receives for the River flows in all directions towards the New Earth. Take in the Waters that give life and love and take in life and love. The noise is senseless for it can only make noise. The noise knows not the simplicity of giving and receiving love.  The noise is a compilation of the misguidedness over the generations. The noise places much blame on God for its own inability to be above God. The senseless ruminations of the noise attempt to complicate all that you may not see the truth of love and only love. Janine, Jesus walked with no matter the noise for He placed it within the sen

The Dark Side of Your Conscience

 Janine, my child, come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and take in love and only love. Come and be moved into my heart for I am your mother who loves you with no judgments. The dark woman in your dream was not of love and only love for she followed you with all of the noise that clang's at you each day. This dark woman that you told you could never be close to is the dark part of what you call your conscience. Rather than show you the beauty of your choices, this dark woman tainted you with the choice of the old dark sided conscience you were raised with.   The old dark woman is the old dark part of the false god that follows you in all you do and gives you what you "should"do rather than walk with Jesus and me to see the beauty of all sides of your choices.  The dark side sees only one choice for it is the dark side of your ego and what you call your conscience for your conscience is filled with the dark of the old gods.  Janine, your drea

Jesus is Love and Not Judgment

 Janine, my child, take the breath that calls out to me at this Tabernacle. Take in the breath that hears me at this Tabernacle. Your hands become my hands as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take in the love and scent of my heart that holds and feeds you and communes with you. The soul is always protected against harm. The soul moves you into forever. Your soul is opened to Jesus who is our Savior. To be saved and to know each child has been saved is to know Jesus.  Jesus has felt each pain of each child that each may come to know Him in love and only love. Jesus did not say I come to save only the worthy. What kind of love is that? Jesus came to save all souls. This kind of love is the love and only love that I speak of. This love judges not who is to be saved and who is not to be saved. The choice to join Jesus is always the choice of each soul. The many confuse being saved with being worthy and that you must be cleansed in a fire to be cleansed to be worthy. If

The Yoke of Jesus now Carries You

 Janine, my child, you seek this Tabernacle each day. As the sun rises you rise up to attend to your soul that we may commune in the ways of my heart and in the ways of mother and child. Each day is anew with no mind of your yesterday for today is exciting in the anew.  To be able to be here and have all made anew is to taste Jesus for it is His Yoke that carries us. By your yes Jesus takes on our walk and shows the joy of our walk in each inch and moment. The road here to this time and place necessitated the opening of the wounds that bound you to the past.  Wounds close the heart and soul for this is the way of God's protection from any damage to the heart and soul. When the timing is right and the soul is safe to open it opens and frees the soul. The sacred witness provides the safe opening of the wounds for within the sacred witness is the wherewithal to allow the wounds to rise in safety and not judgment. Judgment causes the wounds to stay hidden.  When the timing of God is ri

The False Gods of Your Childhood

 Janine, come and see and taste and take in the scent of the River of the I Am where your senses are expanded. Come and drink in the love of Jesus who is the lifeblood of the River. Your dream has shown you the ways of your learning for your learning needed to be freed from the noise of the old. Your fret within the dream is the fret of continuing to search for what is no longer there. You searched for your roots that are now beyond you. They are the roots of the false gods given you. You cannot return to what is of the old. You are no longer able to enter that church for it holds the misguidedness of the false gods of your childhood. The child within you is no longer a part of the old and can no longer be a part of the false gods. Fret not about your dream for it tells of the truth of the false gods within a false church.  Your want to rejoin that church needed to be thwarted for it presented a danger. Janine, it was Jesus who kept you from receiving the old, very old, communion that

Jesus is the Peace that is Deep Within You

 Janine, my child, come and be held and renewed in the ways of the River of the I Am. Come and know me. Come and feel my love and my heart for I am your mother by God's hand. Come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am. Today casts its Light upon us. The Light of Jesus is always with us. The light of day gains us another day to be of God's will where we witness to all that is around us and within us.  Do not fret for all is being guided by Jesus. There are those inches and moments that may seem chaotic but you must remember it is only noise for noise does its dance in seemingly chaotic ways. When you step back from the noise you see it for what it is and that is making chaos and demands.  See the noise as it does its silly dance to take you from the peace of Jesus with its demands of self righteousness.    When the noise attempts to hold you in its chaos, move away by seeking the calm of the inners of your own heart and soul for there deep within is the calm t

Your Choices are Made in Intimacy With Jesus

 Janine, my child, come and let us flow into the depths of the River of the I Am where you are fed and prepared for the day. My heart fills and loves and prepares you.  Your yesterday has moved you to this time and place and expanded you that we may have all the more today.  You are learning that your yes gains you the walk with me and with Jesus. Your yes and attendance to this Tabernacle allows you to be filled and prepared that we may walk in the essence of God. When your heart and soul are naked with the knowing that no one can hurt or damage you, you are able to see that it is Jesus who prepares the day for us. When you see through the eyes of the River of the I Am you see as Jesus sees for His mark is on your soul where you walk in the confidence that no one can damage your soul and what we have.  Yes, my child, there are the many choices before you in each inch and moment. Those choices are now made with the knowing that each choice is before you because of the nakedness of all

You Cannot Change the World Until You Change Yourself

 Janine, my child, let us celebrate today for Jesus has risen. He lived and died and has risen. He is as much alive today as the day he walked the Earth. I am alive today for my being is intact as is all of God's children. Because you cannot see your new body that awaits you, do not be fooled. Do not accept the view of the noise that says you cannot believe in what you cannot see with your earthly eyes. The eyes of your soul see very well for they are connected to Jesus who lives within your very soul and walks with us each day. Your witnessing of the miracles in the many inches and moments shows you the truth. Seeing with your heart shows you the love and only love of the River of the I Am.  It is of God's design that you live forever in the love and only love of God's Kingdom. You know the beauty of our love and the love of Jesus. I say to those who fear and cannot believe to watch and seek God's touch upon all of the Earth. God's touch is felt within each soul. T

The Peace of Jesus Counters all Noise

 Janine, come and I shall take you into my heart that is of this Tabernacle that we may descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we are in communion with Jesus and all of the River o the I Am. Take in this love that holds you and nourishes you. Drink in this love. This love shows you the silliness of the noise that has no matter with the truth of God's love. The noise holds the self righteous ego that fights and rails and clangs to make you believe that there is no God who loves and only loves. Be at peace with me in the knowing that the noise cannot enter here, The noise cannot enter this Tabernacle nor the depths of the River of the I Am. The noise, by its very nature, cannot know the peace that is of our hearts that are enjoined here within the River of the I Am for the noise is counter to the peace of Jesus. The Peace of Jesus fills us with calm, faith and the counter to the noise. Janine, my child, the noise moves quickly and with chaos in an attempt to confuse y

The Roadmap to the River of the I Am

 It is a new day, Janine, my child.  The day is anew with the brightness of the River of the I Am that flows in the beauty of the lifeblood of Jesus. To be of my heart is to be of the joy of the River of the I Am. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am by God's hand.  We walk and move in the direction of the New Earth for God has made it so by His Covenant with man. You walk with me in the oneness of our design for we are designed to be one in the ways of mother and child. We are also one in the ways of Jesus for He walks with us in all things.  You await my holding and my words each day and in that instant of your attendance you are awakened to this Tabernacle. How graced we are to be one here within this Tabernacle. I give you view of all these years of our communion here at this Tabernacle.Take in the beauty of what we have. Take in the softness of our hearts as they commune without the noise. This Tabernacle is of a holy space and time each day where we commune within the mysti

Jesus Makes Light Your Walk

 Janine, my child, let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where the noise cannot clang it's misguidedness at you. Come and rest and hear me. Come and know my heart that loves you with no boundaries or expectations.  You are prepared to be on this holy ground for your yes of those years ago has made it so.  You have walked the walk of the yes and joined the River of the I Am where you expand with each new day with no matter the ways of the noise. Your attendance to this Tabernacle each day gains you the view from the River of the I Am where Jesus shows us the way to love and only love.  You are renewed here each day. You are loved and rested here in the ways of my heart each day.  Each day shows you the love within each inch and moment. To witness to others is a grace for it grows you in love and only love.  Janine, my child, the noise tires. The walk we walk as sacred witness gains the energy of the River of the I Am for to walk in the ways of your design is to gain e

"In Spite of Myself"

 Janine, my dear child, I love you and I await your attendance to this Tabernacle for we flow as one in the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and know that your yesterday has expanded your soul.  Come and be with me in the peace that flows through all here within the River of the I Am. Your years of attendance to your soul has grown and expanded you that you may taste these depths all the more and more. How peaceful is our communion. How warm is your heart that takes in mine. Your yesterday saw you walk in the inch and moment that changed you for you were able to move towards and not away from the call of Jesus to be naked of heart and soul with no matter the noise for the noise was loud. You pray with the words "in spite of myself."  "In spite of myself"  shows that you are awake and aware of your misguided learning and shaping that rises up within you without your permission. Janine, my child, it is as you speak of.  The old rises up within you without your pe

We Walk to Replace the Noise with Love

 Janine, my child, you rush to me on this new day that you may be filled. Slow all down now and allow me to take you into my heart within the depths of the River of the I Am. Today is another day in the walk of your yes to me and to Jesus for we walk to witness and to gather my children home to their rightful place in God's plan. There are the many of my children lost in the noise and cannot find their way. There are those who are consumed by the noise. There are those who cannot become still within themselves where the heart abides and where the soul opens to God. We walk to witness to such things. We walk to teach how to become still within. We hear the cry of the soul that yearns to become opened.  We speak to the soul rather than to the noise. It is of matter that you hold these truths close for the noise grasps my children in a hold that carries worry, fear, angst, anxiety and war. There are those who are being gathered by evil. There are those being gathered by self hatred. T

Jesus Shows Us the Way of Mercy

 Child of mine, take the breath of letting go and take in the breath of my heart that holds you and feeds you with my love and nurture. The smile from deep within you comes from our love for I am your mother and you are my child. To have come to this depth is of the grace of God and prayers of the River of the I Am. The River flows in prayer and the love that asks for healing of all of God's children. Jesus is the force within the River of the I Am for He has paid all debts for those who have wounded and those who will wound others. The love of Jesus is a love that many cannot fathom for they believe that others who wound must pay their own debt.  The laws of the Earth are not the laws of God for by the life and death of Jesus God's laws make up  Covenant between God and man. The laws of God break down to the simplicity of the River of the I Am of love and only love.  Take in and breathe the air of love and only love here within the River. The ways of the River flow with no mat

In Humbleness You Give All to Jesus

 Janine, as you arrive here at this Tabernacle, you make holy the day. Each day is holy for your attendance to this Tabernacle gathers us onto this holy ground.  Each day you arrive in prayer and join me and Jesus and His Holy Spirit and all of the faithful who walk from the view within the River of the I Am. Your love and walk with me is not boastful. Your love for me is quiet and simple and known. As you are growing here within the River you see that boastful is of the hypocrite for to boast is to say to the world that you have a need to make yourself above another. Humblemnes is not walking away from the truth of what we have. Humbleness is the awareness of no need to boast about what we have. Rather, humbleness is the knowing of what we have.  You saw and tasted humbleness in your yesterday as you trusted the unwrapping of love within another's heart. In that instant you knew and witnessed to the path of our walk. You walked with another into the depths of the River of the I Am

Poverty Leaves Nothing to Give

 Janine, my child, be with me at this holy space and time here at this Tabernacle for the River of the I Am flows with the lifeblood of Jesus. We are mother and child by God's design. Take in my nurture that never depletes either one of us. Rather, the nurture within me is constantly being filled as you are filled.  As I fill you to overflowing, you are being prepared to feed others for what I feed you fills you that you may never be depleted in giving to others.  This is the way of God's love for to be filled within your deepest parts is to learn that you may feed others without ever being depleted. The many of my children cannot feed without being depleted for they give from little and are not fed with the food of the River of the I Am. Life has changed for you because of the feedings of my heart where you give from abundance and not from poverty. Poverty leaves nothing to give while abundance has much to give. There are those who have abundance within the world but not withi